Tips for upgrading the watering can: It takes 2 nights to upgrade the Watering Can. For example, if the watering can is given to Clint on the 10th day of the season, it will be ready on the 12th day. It's easier to upgrade the watering can in Winter, since only Powdermelon and ...
Upgrading the watering can lets you water plants in a line in front of your character. This ability grows better and better the more it is upgraded.The Watering Can tool lets you ensure your plants continue to grow and is essential to early farming. Even fully grown plants need water if ...
Upgrading your watering can will save you precious energy, as it allows you to hold down the left mouse button and water multiple squares at once. However, like all tools, upgrading it takes two days, meaning you’ll have one full day without the ability to water your plants. Luckily the...
Tweaks watering cans to water connected tiles when charging. Adds multipliers to increase watering can capacity and tiles watered per use, as well as stamina use for charged watering.
The bowl can be filled with water for the pet, using a Watering Can. It cannot be filled by a sprinkler. Watering the pet's bowl will increase the pet's friendship by 6 points by the next morning. Note that this will not trigger if it is raining the next morning. On rainy days, ...
"VolumeMult": 1.0, - multiply watering can capacity by this amount. "WaterMult": 1.0, - multiply number of adjacent tiles watered by this amount. "FillAdjacent": true - water adjacent tiles while charging the watering can by holding the tool use button. It also works with Connected ...
Finding out which tools to upgrade first in Stardew Valley can help players save on valuable ingredients and money.
Stardew Valley: Winter Activities What to Do, Winter Money-Making, & Spring Preparations Upgrading your tools is a good idea, as is collecting supplies for the year ahead. A better axe greatly improves your access to hardwood, but the main goal should be to upgrade the Watering Can to ...
Upgrade your axe and pickaxe when you can For a few thousand gold and just a few smelted bars, you can significantly increase the potential of your tools. The three tools in particular that you want to upgrade are the axe, pickaxe, and watering can. While upgrading the watering can will...
Clint now refills your watering can when upgrading it. Tweaked save process to reduce the chance of corruption. Anvils no longer accept parrot eggs if you can’t re-roll their level yet. Improved chatbox commands: Chat commands are now case-insensitive. Changed /help format to make room for...