Added additional chests to Skull Cavern levels 200 and 300. Added unique skull cavern chest appearance for level 100, 200, and 300 chests. Added a high note (C5) to flute block. Added Meowmere from Terraria crossover Added iridium golem to wilderness farm. See changes for mod authors.Visual...
According to the item's in-game description, Raisins are said to be the Junimos' favourite food. A Junimo appears as a pet in the video game Terraria, as part of a crossover with Stardew Valley.Villagers Bachelors Alex • Elliott • Harvey • Sam • Sebastian • Shane Bachelore...
The Magic Quiver could reference an item in Terraria of the same name, due to the recent crossover between the two titles.References↑ See Trinket::TrySpawnTrinket, GameLocation::monsterDrop, and BreakableContainer::releaseContents in the game code. ↑ See MineShaft::getTreasureRoomItem in the...