472: "Parsnip Seeds/10/-300/Seeds -74/Plant these in the spring. Takes 4 days to mature." #!String473: "Bean Starter/30/-300/Seeds -74/Plant these in the spring. Takes 10 days to mature, but keeps producing after that. Yields multiple beans per harvest. Grows on a trellis." #!
The Cherry is a fruit grown by planting a Cherry Sapling, waiting 28 days for it to grow into a Cherry Tree, and harvesting the tree during the Spring.
A Tea Bush is a type of bush that grows from a Tea Sapling. It takes 20 days to grow to maturity, after which it will produce one Tea Leaf each day during the last week (22nd-28th) of Spring, Summer, and Fall (and Winter if indoors). One Tea Bush exists
The waters of the Spring function in the same manner as the 温泉. Additionally, remaining in the water for a short period of time will provide a buff with a duration of 11:59. The Spring only provides one kind of buff, per day, but it can be reobtained at will by re-entering the...
设置季节。参数为spring, summer, fall, winter之一。 示例: world_setseason spring 设置季节为春季。 # world_settime 语法: world_settime <I:time> 设置当日时间,使用游戏的26小时制(0600代表当天早6:00,2600代表当天结束时的凌晨2点)。 示例: world_settime 1430 设置时间为14:30。 # world_sety...
Check out these games like Stardew Valley if you're craving a blend of farming sim and RPG, from Coral Island to Potion Permit.
If you just want an overall boost for every aspect of Stardew Valley, this Seed is for you. From the timely availability of Ancient Seeds and Red Cabbage seeds to the arrival of the enigmatic Crop Fairy on Spring 15, this Seed gives you a harmonious blend of fortune and opportunity. The...
These Stardew Valley mods can add everything from flowery building redesigns to handy multiplayer mods.
Click to learn more about Farming in Stardew Valley. Additionally, you may find it helpful toknow what crops to grow for each season's bundles. Spring Crops CropSeed CostGrowsSellProfit$ per day Strawberry$1008 days$120$20$11.67/day
You get 30 Spring Seeds as a reward for completing this bundle inStardew Valley. Summer Foraging Bundle Item appearanceItem nameHow to get it GrapeForaged in Pelican Town during Summer or grow it during Fall. Spice BerryForaged in Pelican Town during Summer or inside your farm’s Bat cave....