<I:item ID> 是欲添加物品的独有的ID(可通过list_items命令给出)。 [I:count] 是欲添加的数量(默认为1)。 [I:quality] 是物品的品质(默认为普通品质)。允许使用0(普通)、1(银星)、2(金星)、4(铱星)。 示例: player_add (O)246 创建一个大麦粉;player_add (O)128 10 4 创建10条铱星品质的河豚...
Items shipped on the last day of Spring will count. 3,000g 250 Friendship points with Pam "Potato Juice" cutscene in Trailer F.I.B.S. television channel No Pierre's Prime Produce Hello there. For an upcoming promotion, I'm thinking of offering some high-quality vegetables at a slight...
→Achievements: removed the link I just put to the Gourmet Chef page 19:18 -36 Margotbean →Achievements: see also 18:32 +36 Margotbean →Cooking: escargot & fish stew places 18:29 +150 Margotbean →Items Shipped: Template:Collections Items Shipped 02:42 -2,079...
If you want to attempt this process, then we strongly encourage you to make a list and mark off the items you have shipped. 9Gourmet Chef For this achievement, you will need to cook every dish in the game, which is more complicated than it sounds. To begin with, you will need to ga...
Often in Stardew Valley, your friendly neighbors will stop by your farm and gift you different items. The process of receiving items during a dialogue, Olenoname explains, is controlled by item codes hidden inside that dialogue. By naming his character with a very, very long list of ite...
Added new quest items: Advanced TV Remote; Arctic Shard; Ectoplasm; Gourmet Tomato Salt; Pierre’s Missing Stocklist; Pirate’s Locket; Prismatic Jelly; Stardew Valley Rose; War Memento; Wriggling Worm. Added new rings: Glowstone Ring provides both light and increased item col...
Added new quest items: Advanced TV Remote; Arctic Shard; Ectoplasm; Gourmet Tomato Salt; Pierre’s Missing Stocklist; Pirate’s Locket; Prismatic Jelly; Stardew Valley Rose; War Memento; Wriggling Worm. Added new rings: Glowstone Ring provides both light and increased item collection radius; ...
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Vegetables are one category used when scoring items in the Grange Display at the Stardew Valley Fair. They can be sold at the General Store (as well as in the Shipping Bin). All shipped vegetables are added to the Items Shipped page of the Collections tab. The following tables lists all ...
The Collections tab acts like a record of which items have been discovered or shipped and in what quantities.