开始向%appdata%/StardewValley/ErrorLogs/game-latest.txt的日志写入调试信息,以此方便排除故障。若SMAPI已安装,则此命令无效,因为调试信息已写入SMAPI的日志。 # logSounds 开关在SMAPI控制台输出每个播放的音效的记录的功能。 # netclear 清空网络消息日志。 # netdump 向一个文件输出网络消息日志(输出格...
Before version 1.5:StardewValley. The folder won't appear if you haven't created a save on Android yet. Copy the entire save folder (the one that looks likeJonSnow_123456789) into the saves folder on your device. If you use adb to push a save file to your phone, be sure to set re...
Hi,Margotbean.I'm sorry for my casual translation.I think that could add some fun to the translation.From now on I'll correct these mistakes.By the way,about the link,it's just a habit.Since I started translating stardew valley's wiki,I add "#" behind the link.Hope you can ...
Step 2. Find the Stardew Valley saves on the Android device Step 3. Copy the whole folder and put it into the PC and delete the file with the .bin extension From PC to Android Step 1. Connect your Android device to the PC Step 2. Find the Stardew Valley saves in the PC Step 3....
On mobile, Stardew Valley's save method is based upon the system used for computers, but with some additions to make it more suited to mobile devices.
Solution 15: Delete Launcher Settings Folder User’s startup preferences are stored in a special file in Stardew Valley, but this file could be the cause of the Stardew Valley won’t Launch on PC error. To fix the problem, remove the launcher preferences file. ...
A simple manager for Stardew Valley saves, allowing you to easily backup, delete, or move saves from both Steam and your Android device. - axperty/stardew-valley-saves-manager
close All games Stardew Valley Mods Characters The Robin Romance Mod Endorsements 2,677 Unique DLs 67,847 Total DLs 103,848 Total views 631,669 Version 1.5.1 Download: Manual 8 items Last updated 27 April 202411:18PM Original upload
Tags: easy editor immunity mods money name program save save edit stardew valley Page 1 of 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 → 28 Next > etsmsj Phantasmal Quasar Hi everyone! A few days ago I posted a very basic visual save editor for Stardew. It was (and still is) very experimental, but I ...
I didn't mind though, because I know how many rows I had and can give myself a full stack, fill up the rows, then delete the excess. Tools like this are absolutely needed when going into the world of modding! +1 and thank you for your work, sir. Skipper Scootaloo, Apr 14, ...