Cooking meals inStardew Valleyhas tons of great benefits. You can eat the meals to regain large amounts of health and energy, plus favorite meals make for great gifts to improve your relationship with villagers. Unlocking cooking requires you to make some upgrades and learning new recipes takes ...
Stardew Valley is full of handy craftable items designed to help you farm, fight, mine, or even simply decorate your home. Many of these crafting recipes are unlocked after achieving certain criteria, and it's hard to know what you need to do before you do it. In this Stardew Valley ...
在安装了 SMAPI后,您可以使用运行list_items控制台命令以搜索物品ID。 注意:早于星露谷 1.6 版本的模组可能会使用item.ParentSheetIndex字段来识别物品。这并不是一种有效的方法,因为即使是同一类型的物品也可能位于不同的贴图集中,因而可能拥有相同的贴图索引。
Undo revision 118321 by StardewNerd (talk) Most recipes are not profitable 15:42 -1,071 StardewNerd →Recipes 14:58 +1,071 27 January 2021 Spaceeinstein expand tailoring 05:34 +212 19 January 2021 Efarn →Gifting: added gift table (based off of NON-fruit tree fruit preferences) ...
Clay Recipes In Stardew Valley Crafted ItemDescriptionIngredients Quality Retaining Soil Improved crop yield and quality. 1 Clay 3 Stones Deluxe Retaining Soil Provide highest crop yield and quality boost. 1 Clay5 Stones3 Fiber Garden Pot Used for planting crops indoors during any season. 1 Clay10...
模板:RecipesWIKI功能跳到导航 跳到搜索 分类: 模板 游戏中心 | 帐号安全 | 找回密码 | 家长监控 | 用户协议 抵制不良游戏 拒绝盗版游戏 注意自我保护 谨防受骗上当 适度游戏益脑 沉迷游戏伤身 合理安排时间 享受健康生活 芜湖享游网络技术有限公司 | COPYRIGHT © 2009-2025 BILIBILI ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ...
Crafting Recipes: Crafting Recipes: Crafting / Cooking Recipes: Crafting Recipes: Choose a Profession: Casting distance increased by one tile Bait Fiberglass Rod & Bait unlocked in Willy's Fish Shop Crab Pot Dish O' The Sea Crab Pot unlocked in Willy's Fish Shop Deluxe Bait Worm Bin ...
"Stardew Valley" published an official cookbook with a recipe list of meals taken straight from the game and you can buy it online here.
4.Stardew ValleyExpanded While most of the mods on this list add content to a particular facet of gameplay or act as a quality-of-life improvement,Stardew ValleyExpandedgoes beyond that. This mod is essentially an expansion pack. Stardew ValleyExpanded adds 26 new locations, 12 major NPCs (no...
Full list of all 49 Stardew Valley achievements worth 1,500 gamerscore. It takes around 150-200 hours to unlock all of the achievements in the base game.