Every recipe in Stardew Valley is shown in the cooking menu, but only unlocked recipes can be made. In order to cook food, you needa kitchen in your house. To get a kitchen, you need to purchase the firsthouse upgradefrom the Carpenters. The first upgrade costs 10,000G, and you need...
Other Recipes Stardew Valley is a game that has a relatively expansive cooking mechanic, with a whopping 80 dishes able to be made in the game. From classic American-style comfort food to curry from the Fern Islands, you can become a chef aficionado and keep yourself healthy and energized...
Salmon Dinner is a cooked dish. It is prepared using either the kitchen inside an upgraded farmhouse or a Cookout Kit.
Recipes Cooking Algae Soup • Artichoke Dip • Autumn's Bounty • Baked Fish • Banana Pudding • Bean Hotpot • Blackberry Cobbler • Blueberry Tart • Bread • Bruschetta • Carp Surprise • Cheese Cauliflower • Chocolate Cake • Chowder • Coleslaw • Complete ...
Stardew Valley is full of handy craftable items designed to help you farm, fight, mine, or even simply decorate your home. Many of these crafting recipes are unlocked after achieving certain criteria, and it's hard to know what you need to do before you do it. In this Stardew Valley ...
Cooking is a major part of "Stardew Valley".Credit: Stardew Valley / ConcernedApe Co-authored byStardew Valleycreator Eric "ConcernedApe" Barone and Ryan Novak, the illustrated cookbook includes 50 recipes inspired by meals and food from the game including the Pink Cake, Lucky Lunch, and Crab ...
"Stardew Valley" published an official cookbook with a recipe list of meals taken straight from the game and you can buy it online here.
Eureka26 member 4 kudos 01 September 2023, 9:41PM Very interesting. I love food recipe mods. I'll add it for sure. Thanks Pages 1
Delicious in Stardew (New Monster Cooking Recipes)の日本語化。Japanese translation of Delicious in Stardew (New Monster Cooking Recipes)
One thing that Stardew Valley lets you do is cook food, and soon you'll be able to make some of the game's recipes in real life.