Every recipe in Stardew Valley is shown in the cooking menu, but only unlocked recipes can be made. In order to cook food, you needa kitchen in your house. To get a kitchen, you need to purchase the firsthouse upgradefrom the Carpenters. The first upgrade costs 10,000G, and you need...
Gold Bar Smelting Gold Ore in the Furnace, Crafting the "Transmute (Au)" recipe Reward: Furnace (1) Geologist's Bundle Quartz Foraging on all floors of The Mines Earth Crystal Foraging on floors 1-39 of The Mines, Geodes, Omni Geodes, drop from Duggies in the Mines (floors 6-29...
1. If you cannot find chive blossoms, regular chives and edible flowers make for a great substitute. 2. You will have luck finding a 6-inch star stencil at most craft stores, or you can order one online. You can also print an image of a 6-inch star on sturdy paper, cut it out, ...
Sonar Bobber 1 6+ Chance is higher if the recipe for Wild Bait isn't known 3-4% 9-10% Iridium Ore 1-2 Fishing Zone must be 5 1.1% 0.7% Gold Ore 1-24 Fishing Zone must be 5 9% 6% Iron Ore 1-24 Fishing Zone must be 3 or 5, More likely at Fishing Zone 3 5-10% 3...
Mining: Statue of the Dwarf King recipe, Heavy Furnace recipe, and Gem Nodes will contain double gems. Mastery Cave is just one of many new things to see in Stardew Valley. Check out theFull 1.6 Update Patch Notesto see what other incredible additions there are to explore!
Unlock Ginger Island in Stardew Valley to complete more objectives and take on a whole new region with its own economy and currency!
模板:RecipeRow/NoBuffsHealthEnergyWIKI功能< 模板:RecipeRow跳到导航 跳到搜索 分类: 模板游戏中心 | 帐号安全 | 找回密码 | 家长监控 | 用户协议 抵制不良游戏 拒绝盗版游戏 注意自我保护 谨防受骗上当 适度游戏益脑 沉迷游戏伤身 合理安排时间 享受健康生活 芜湖享游网络技术有限公司 | COPYRIGHT © 2009...
then wait on the return - what else you do with your farmer's day is up to you. This guide to farming in Stardew Valley will teach you a bit about how growth times and plant quality work, what you can expect when seasons change, the best skill bonuses to take at farming level 5 ...
You can get the recipe for crafting the wedding ring from the Traveling Cart for 500g. Looking for even more on Stardew Valley? Why not check out ourBeginner's Guide - Basics and Features,Things Stardew Valley Doesn't Tell Youor jump back to ourFishinghub. ...
Venturing into the Mines in Stardew Valley is a challenging yet rewarding experience. Go as deep as possible in this dungeon to earn rewards.