无编辑摘要 08:46 -30 Chino 无编辑摘要 08:43 +29 Chino 创建页面,内容为“{{Infobox |name = 太阳花 |image = Sunflower.png |seed = {{name|Sunflower Seeds}} |growth = 8天 |season = {{Season|Summer}} • {...” 08:33 +2,295...
If you’re experimenting with Stardew Valley Seeds, these tools will undoubtedly come in handy. How World Seeds work in Stardew Valley If you don’t change your Seed, you’ll get a random Seed to play with, and everything that happens is based on that World Seed. Changing your Seed ...
如果steam愿意出钱帮stardew valley汉化的话,那可能会有中文版。讲道理,这个游戏,看图就可以了,并不需要什么高深的英文水平。献祭的东西都有图片,人物要的东西就是那个单词。只有剧情的话需要懂一点英文。 10楼2016-03-08 18:33 收起回复 金镜堂 赫日奔雷 6 7.最好的剑和鞋子目前来看,是galaxy剑和矿洞110层...
↑ 参见游戏代码中的 Crop::ResolveSeedId 部分。 ↑ 参见游戏文件中的Data/LocationContexts中Desert和Island的SeasonOverride部分。 历史 1.3.27:在错误的季节直接不能种植作物,而非种下后消失。新增仙人掌果子作物。 1.4:新增茶叶和未碾米作物。 1.5:新增铱星作物,可通过使用顶级肥料获得。新增菠萝、芋头和齐瓜作物...
Adds a Seed Bag to the game for easier sowing.Buy it at Pierre's Shop.Source Code: https://github.com/Platonymous/Stardew-Valley-Mods If you have any questions you can usually find me on the Stardew Valley Discord under the username Routine#8715 If you like my mods and want to...
481 Unique DLs 16,488 Total DLs 22,834 Total views 40,146 Version 1.0.4 Download: Manual 1 items Last updated 29 March 20249:22AM Original upload 25 March 202410:16AM Created by Speshkitty Uploaded by Speshkitty Virus scan Safe to use ...
Fixed random seeds on Ginger Island being based on the valley’s season. Fixed exploit where you could keep temporary items like Qi Fruit by selling them to Pierre and buying them back later. Fixed fruit trees being plantable on stone tiles outside the greenhouse. Fixed tree stumps dropping ...
Using our Stardew Valley tips and tricks, you'll have the best chance of making the most money and growing the best crops possible.
The Seed Maker creates an average of two seeds from one Sweet Gem Berry 97.5% of the time. Since a Sweet Gem Berry is worth at least 3,000g, each Rare Seed produced from the Seed Maker is created at a cost of 1,500g to 3,000g depending on the quality of the input. This makes...
Broke permanently in Stardew Valley 1.3.20. Rotate Toolbar (Nexus | source) Rotate the top inventory row for the toolbar by pressing Tab (configurable). Added to the game in Stardew Valley 1.4.0. Translating the mods The mods can be translated into any language supported by the game, ...