Stardew Valley Mods Miscellaneous StardewProgress-Chinese-proofread version Endorsements 14 Unique DLs 827 Total DLs 985 Total views 3,560 Version 2.2.0 Original File Download: Manual 4 items Last updated 05 September 202411:11AM Original upload ...
• Stardew Valley 1.3.3 or later • SMAPI 2.10 or later INSTALLATION: • Unzip the mod folder into Stardew Valley/Mods FEATURES: • Shows accurate progress bars that can be toggled on/off with a shortcut key. • Calculates progress based on thetime left until processing will be com...
Junimo Kart is a game playable on the arcade machine in The Stardrop Saloon. It is initially locked and requires the Skull Key to play. The day after beating all six levels on "Progress Mode", a Junimo Kart Arcade System will be sent in the mail.
模板:Progressbar刷新本页 刷新此页面的缓存吗?确定刷新页面会清除缓存并强制显示最近的版本。星露谷1.6版本发布,点击查看更新日志。 本站点内容全部基于官方维基和游戏资料制作,基于CC BY-NC-SA 3.0协议分享,严禁抄袭,转载需注明来源。 我们反对任何破解和盗版行为,请前往steam商店或WeGame商店购买正版支持原作者的辛勤...
New home for my stardew valley mod source code, Support on android - NRTnarathip/StardewValleyMods-Android
modsstardew-valleystardewstardew-valley-mods UpdatedJul 6, 2022 For figuring out what seeds I can plant at any time during a season in Stardew Valley. Like almost everything, this is a ✨ work in progress ✨ and I know it's not 100% accurate yet. 💖 ...
minecart - starts the Junimo Kart minigame in Progress mode. plane - starts the Plane Fly-by cutscene which plays during Harvey's 8-heart event. slots - starts the Calico Spin Slot Machine minigame. target - starts the Slingshot minigame from the Stardew Valley Fair. When the game is ove...
(also see Gallery Entrance to the Grove All and completed progress of Nexus to the Castle Village Outpost in Community Center route Completed progress of Nexus to the Castle Village Outpost ...
Although Stardew Valley's gameplay is repetitive, there is no hard objective that you need to accomplish to finish it. However, it does give you a goal to reach by the end of your third in-game year, but it’s more of a pass-or-fail review of your progress rather than an actual en...
SDVMMR (Stardew Valley Mod Manager reborn) (name pending) is a very much work in progress multiplatform Mod Manger. Features: * automatic migrating from SDVMM To SDVMMR (done) * new GUI (done) * Installing and updating SMAPI * Installing and updating Mods (updating if github is avaible)...