请注意,游戏并没有在活动前告知玩家“potluck(百乐餐)” 是一种汤,也没有告知玩家烹饪物品或不可食用的物品是无效的。 在品汤之前,刘易斯镇长说:“我相信你们都往锅里放了上好的材料。我们一定要让州长先生不虚此行啊!”此时,会出现玩家的角色发现要改变已经加入汤中的物品已经太晚了的画面。 请注意,物品质...
With that, we complete our Stardew Valley Favorite Thing guide. As you saw, it is not something that affects the gameplay, but it is a funny and cool addition to the game.
The highlight of the event is the communal potluck. Make sure you bring something good to contribute!The governor himself is attending the event, so make sure you're on your best behavior.Come to the beach sometime between 9 AM and 2 PM. -Mayor Lewis Summer 14, Y1 Pam Hey Kid,...
On the day of the Festival, every home and shop in Stardew Valley is "locked" and cannot be entered. A central feature of the Luau is the communal potluck soup, made with ingredients added byvillagers. The player may choose to add an ingredient to the soup, then theGovernortastes and ...
Fixed flavored items in some chat/UI messages not shown correctly (like “Player put ‘Smoked’ into the potluck soup“). Fixed various typos in English text. Fixed special order objectives not re-translated when the language changes. (This fix only applies to new special orders going forward...
It’s safe to say that there are many festivals and events across the year inStardew Valley. Some last for multiple days, while others take place on one specific day. There are even events that aren’t signposted and can offer unique items. ...