星露谷NPC美化。可结婚人物肖像 Stardew Valley Portraits mod .Portrait of Marriable Figures Share Requirements Permissions and credits 星露谷NPC美化。可结婚人物肖像(暂无哈维,因为不知道怎么处理他的胡子和要不要留着胡子所以目前还没有他) Stardew Valley Portraits mod .Portrait of Marriable Figures (currently ...
肖像(Portrait):https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/7443 4. 玛妮(Marnie) 肖像(Portrait):待定 5. 贾斯(Jas) 肖像(Portrait):https://cafe.naver.com/starvall/280516 模型(Sprite):https://cafe.naver.com/starvall/198302 6. 乔迪(Jodi) 肖像(Portrait):https://cafe.naver.com/starvall/23...
About this mod 69 high-resolution portraits for all villagers Share Requirements Permissions and credits Donations Twitter / Tumblr / Ko-fiContact: nimozie2@gmail.com:: CONTENTS :: 69 high-resolution portraits for all villagersStardew Valley Expanded...
beautifyX.stardewvalley anime mods 肖像优化 【非mod/美化立绘】 beautifyX.Xtardew Valley Anime Portrait 此mod为Rmod专属已经替换只是作为备份作者也是上面mod的同一个作者 【非mod/美化立绘】 tool1.Automate 自动化(快捷键:U)【工具mod】 tool2.Better Sprinklers 更好的酒水器(快捷键:K) 【工具mod】 tool...
DCBurger's High Res Portrait https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/4745 我最爱的一套头像!(不过是HD的,有些uu可能喜欢像素风那就换别的吧!) 萨姆 艾利克斯 阿比盖尔 贾斯 Elle's New Animals https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/3167 ...
Himetartshimetarts on Discord Always Raining in the Valley Nexus GitHub u/Himetarts content pixels ichortowerichortower on Discord Hat Mouse Lacey, Nightshade, Ichor's Wobbly Cat Nexus GitHub SMAPI content pixels iKeychainkeychain on Discord Portrait-Accurate Alex, iKeychain's Winter Lychee...
because this mod also includes new portraits for every one of the clothes. These pictures are made with the original art style, and are perfectly integrated into the Stardew Valley feeling. However, it makes you unable to install any other character portrait mod, so if you want anime portraits...
Stardew Valley View AllFeatured Mods NPC Map Locations Mod Shows NPC locations on map. Uses a more accurate map page for more accurate tracking! Bouhm,Apr 2, 2016 Sort By:Last Update Mods are being shown from all child categories. Linus is a little fox1.6...
Nope. That's expected in Stardew Valley 1.3, sometime in 2018. What platforms is this mod compatible with? It's compatible with Linux + Mac + Windows, and you can play crossplatform. Can I use other mods in multiplayer? Visual mods should be fine (including Lookup Anything, portrait mods...
I used portraiture all the time, but now it doesn't work. I'm trying to use the custom npc mod "Eugene" and the HD portrait I'm trying to use is either way too zoomed in and buggy...or invisible Tickerkicker20 member 0 kudos 15 November 2024, 3:35PM hd portraits hasnt ...