电影院 Movie Theater 开放时间 上午9:00 到晚上 9:00 地址 社区线:废弃的Joja超市Joja线:Joja仓库 电影院是一个能让玩家自己,或者和一位同行者一起看电影的地方,每 7 天可观影一次。电影院可以通过完成社区中心或莫里斯提供的所有社区升级来解锁。
电影院(Movie Theater)是游戏星露谷物语中的一个建筑,玩家每周能在此看一场电影,独自或带村民皆可。建筑在完成社区中心后便会解锁。在完成社区中心后,雨天(雪天算是晴天)的前一夜这里将有一个动画场景:一道闪电劈向废弃的Joja超市,之后玩家可以进入超市,发现一个遗失的收集包;完成这个收集包后,祝尼魔便会建好电影...
The Movie Theater is a building that allows players to watch movies, alone or with a guest, once every week. It is unlocked either by completing the Community Center or all community upgrades offered by Morris. If players choose to restore the Community Center, the night before the first ...
movieTheater 三天 电影院建好了。 伴侣事件 elliottGone 六天 当艾利欧特十四心事件开启时设置。 ElliottGone1ElliottGone2ElliottGone3ElliottGone4ElliottGone5ElliottGone6ElliottGone7 一样天数 艾利欧特十四心事件的一部分。第一个flag是在开始时设置的;随后的flag是由艾利欧特随后的信件设置的。 emilyFiber ...
close All games Stardew Valley Mods Characters MovieTheaterOptions_Chinese Translation Endorsements 5 Unique DLs 202 Total DLs 276 Total views 1,849 Version 1.0 Original File Download: Manual 5 items Last updated 03 September 20241:09PM Original upload ...
映画館に関する設定を変更できる 'Movie Theater Options' MOD の日本語翻訳ファイルです。映画館行こうぜ Let's go the theater.
这是最新的 Stardew Valley 更新。希望您喜欢 1.6 中的所有新内容。感谢您玩 Stardew Valley! -ConcernedApe (请原谅英文补丁说明) 1.6.9 Changelog: ### New content & features * If you lost an item that can't be found again, a new friend appears in the secret woods who can get it back (for...
Stardew Valley was released on 26 February 2016 for Windows PC after almost four years of closed development. Linux and macOS compatibility was released in a free update on 29 July 2016.
6. Movie Theater - 500,000 G Image View Gallery See it in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkPgcs_Gio0 What do the villagers of Stardew Valley do for fun besides standing in the same spot every day? They go to the Movies! Well, they used to before Joja Mart took over. ...
Gather around the Crane Game machine at theStardew Valleymovie theater lobby and get ready to flex your claw-grabbing skills. This quirky little contraption may seem like a minor detail in the world of farming and adventure, but it holds treasures you won’t want to miss. ...