Moss is a resource obtained from moss-covered trees. Each day in Spring, Summer, and Fall, some amount of common trees can randomly grow moss after certain time. Moss grows slower on Sunny Summer days. Additionally, two types of Green Rain Trees can grow
苔藓汤 Moss Soup 浓稠而且黏糊糊,勉强能喝。 信息 获取渠道 烹饪 能量 / 生命值 70 31 售出价格 80 齐氏调味料 126 56 120 食谱 食谱来源 采集 3 级 所需原料 苔藓(20) 高级 物品编号 (O)MossSoup苔藓汤是一道菜肴,可通过升级后的农舍内的厨房或野炊工具制作。 目录...
Moss(10) 生锈的汤匙(1) 垃圾(物品)(5) 史莱姆泥(99) 蝙蝠翅膀(10) 晶球(8) 冰封晶球(5) 岩浆晶球(3) 珊瑚(4) 海胆(2) 虫肉(10) 钻石(1) 黄水晶(3) 鬼鱼(3) 随机一项: 仙尘(7) 文件:Book Of Stars.pngBook Of Stars(1) Mystery Box(3-4) ...
The quality of the mushrooms produced can vary, but is not affected by theBotanistProfession. Instead, the quality is calculated based on the number of nearby trees, including immature trees, and how many of them have moss on them. Each nearby tree is counted, with mossy trees counted twice...
材料 鱼饵 (5) Moss (2) 高级鱼饵(Deluxe Bait)可以使鱼上钩的时间减少67%[1],同时增加12像素的绿条尺寸[2]。 高级鱼饵可以在达到钓鱼4级后以每个100g在鱼店购买,也可通过玩家打造,在达到钓鱼6级后从钓鱼宝箱中随机找到,或者由高级虫饵盒产出。高级鱼饵也可能随机出现在旅行货车以100−1,000g出售。 完...
Stardew Valley cheats and console commands (v1.5) Broadly speaking there are two ways of introducingStardew Valley cheatsinto your game - with mods and without mods. My advice is: please,pleaseuse mods. I know using mods can be scary if you've never done it before, but I'll walk you ...
-version 1.3.0 is not compatible with Stardew Valley Reimagined 3 as that mod is not currently- compatible with SDV 1.6 #1.2.1 -minor bug fixes and code cleanup #1.2 -added compatibility for Stardew Valley Reimagined 3 -should automatically detect if you are using SVR3, don't need to cha...
No More Moss If you’re tired of constantly hacking away at moss on certain trees, you can now use vinegar to prevent it from regrowing on your bark. Simply pour it on the trees you want to de-mossify and there you have it, no more fuzzy green growth. We’d recommend holding off...
All games Stardew Valley Mods Crafting Growable Moss Extend (Spanish) Growable Moss Extend (Spanish)Endorsements 1 Unique DLs 72 Total DLs 82 Total views 1,731 Version 1.0 Original File Download: Manual 1 items Last updated 28 July 2024 9:29PM Original upload 28 July 2024 9:29PM ...