<Modding:Modder Guide |APIs ←Modding:Index SMAPI provides several C# events which let your mod respond when something happens (like when the player places an object) or run code periodically (like once per update tick). Contents
This page explains some of the Stardew Valley fundamentals that are useful for modders. See also Modding:Common tasks. Contents1 General concepts 1.1 Time format 1.2 Tiles 1.3 Positions 1.4 Zoom level 1.5 UI scaling 2 Multiplayer concepts for C# mods 2.1 Net fields 2.2 Farmhand shadow world...
"G:\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\StardewModdingAPI.exe" %command% 不要照抄,因为每个人steam安装的位置是不太一样的。强烈建议直接从上面黑底对话框中直接复制这个地址。 SMAPI安装到这里就结束啦。 三、安装mod 点击Games展开下拉框,点VIEW ALL。 在出来的界面中会看到有很多游戏的封面(没有梯子的话...
Welcome to Annosz's Stardew Valley modding guide Stardew Valley is a fantastic game. The tranquil, simple - yet in the same time, extremely deep - contryside absorbed me at the moment I set foot in Pelican Town. The farming help me in my final years of university when"I'd lost sight...
Before we get started, this guide assumes that you have installed Stardew Valley and Vortex at their default locations. You will also need to be logged in to your Nexus Mods account in Vortex. Please see: Getting Started with Vortex Getting Set Up To begin, open up Vortex and navigate to...
A legal copy of Stardew Valley installed on your computer. A stable internet connection to download mods. A modding framework like SMAPI (Stardew Modding API).Step 2: Installing SMAPI: Visit the official SMAPI website at https://smapi.io/. Download the latest version of SMAPI compatible with...
At the time of writing, this guide only applies to Stardew Valley on Windows. If you haven’t already, please run Stardew Valley at least once before modding it.Getting Set UpTo begin, open up Vortex and navigate to the games section. Locate Stardew Valley in the "Unmanaged" section or...
(将非Android保存游戏复制到/Internal Storage /StardewValley进行编辑) 更新日志 v1.0.16版本 小错误修复和改进。 v1.0.14版本 错误修复: 修复了意大利语翻译问题。 现在“宝箱”界面显示正确的宝箱类型。 “宝箱”界面现在包括农场建筑内的宝箱。 新功能: ...
执行StardewModdingAPI.exe即可自动加载MOD并开始游戏; 注意事项 从v1.0.5开始,您可以在一天当中编辑农场! 在Stardew Valley中按“保存备份”以编辑正在进行的游戏。 这将允许您将时间和“传送”更改为游戏中的任何位置: 1、参观未完成的峰会(您需要传送回去) ...
需要邮箱注册。搜索星露谷物语,主页上也有很明显的星露谷物语分区,点开就好。如果无法找到请搜索https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/并直接进行登录注册。 注册界面 2、下载SMAPI: 请直接在mods页面,搜索SMAPI,很明显的是SMAPI拥有很多的翻译,请选择搜索栏下方推荐的第一位。如果无法查询请随意登入一个MOD...