Mixed Seeds are a random type of seed capable of producing a specific set of crops (listed below). The crop that will grow from a Mixed Seed is decided when it is planted. Mixed Seeds collected in any season always grow to become crops of the season in which they are planted, ...
混合种子 Mixed Seeds 各种种子都有一点。种下它们,看看长出来什么东西! 信息 作物 不固定 成熟需 不固定 季节 所有 售出价格 0 购买价格 杂货店 不出售 Joja超市 不出售 旅行货车 不出售 高级 物品编号 (O)770混合种子是一种能种出随机作物的种子,可种植出一定种类的作物(如下表种子清单所列...
↑ 参见游戏代码中的 Crop::ResolveSeedId 部分。 ↑ 参见游戏文件中的Data/LocationContexts中Desert和Island的SeasonOverride部分。 历史 1.3.27:在错误的季节直接不能种植作物,而非种下后消失。新增仙人掌果子作物。 1.4:新增茶叶和未碾米作物。 1.5:新增铱星作物,可通过使用顶级肥料获得。新增菠萝、芋头和齐瓜作物...
进入StardewValley\Saves\游戏角色名_一串数字里面有一个和目录一样名字的文件就是存档文件这其实是一个XML文本文档,可以直接用Windows自带的记事本或写字板打开,如果在乎xml排版的话也可以用其他支持xml格式的编辑器打开 2楼2016-04-05 19:55 回复 轻拂的晓风 星陨之力 8 搬板凳前排 来自Android客户端3楼...
Mixed SeedsThere's a little bit of everything here. Plant them and see what grows!Mixed Seeds are a type of seed that can be planted in any season, except Winter, to grow into a random crop specific to that season. They can be randomly found when cutting weeds with a scythe, by ...
Stardew ValleyConcernedApe Last but not least, we have the most useful and powerful glitch of all: the infinite item spawning glitch. By naming your character with specific codes tied to different items in the game’s code you can cause them to appear in your inventory whenever your name is...
无编辑摘要 08:46 -30 Chino 无编辑摘要 08:43 +29 Chino 创建页面,内容为“{{Infobox |name = 太阳花 |image = Sunflower.png |seed = {{name|Sunflower Seeds}} |growth = 8天 |season = {{Season|Summer}} • {...” 08:33 +2,295...
Adds a Seed Bag to the game for easier sowing.Buy it at Pierre's Shop.Source Code: https://github.com/Platonymous/Stardew-Valley-Mods If you have any questions you can usually find me on the Stardew Valley Discord under the username Routine#8715 If you like my mods and want to...
A searchable Stardew Valley Item ID List, with all Stardew Valley cheats for the latest version (1.5) of the game on PC/Mac (Steam), XBOX One, PS4 and the Nintendo Switch.
NormanPCN/StardewValleyModsPublic NotificationsYou must be signed in to change notification settings Fork2 Star2 main 1Branch 0Tags Code Folders and files Name Last commit message Last commit date Latest commit NormanPCN Add racoon ship mixed flower seeds ...