resetmines 重置“永久性矿井改变”,例如煤矿矿车和宝箱。不会影响矿井层数进度或杀怪目标。 # returneddonations 打开镇长的庄园中失物招领处的“退回的捐赠品”菜单。 # skullcavedifficulty,scd 语法: skullcavedifficulty [I:difficultyLevel] 设置骷髅洞穴难度为指定等级。在原版游戏中,正常难度为0,与"骷...
Mine Rewards: Normal/Remixed Modifies the rewards that appear inthe Mines Guarantee Year 1 Completable(checkbox) Ensures that theTraveling Cartwill sell aRed Cabbage Seedat least once during the first year, allowing the player to restore the Community Center in Year 1. ...
The Wicked Kris is a dagger weapon that can be obtained as a special item drop in the Skull Cavern[1] or Quarry Mine by killing special monsters or by breaking crates and barrels. It is a possible reward for the chest on floor 90 of the Mines if "remixed" mine rewards are selected ...
["矿井"] = "The Mines", ["矿工"] = "Miner", ["矿工标志"] = "Miner's Crest", ["矿工特供"] = "Miner's Treat", ["矿物"] = "Minerals", ["矿石"] = "ore", ["矿车"] = "Minecart", ["破损的CD"] = "Broken CD", ["破损的眼镜"] = "Broken Glasses", ["砾石小径"] =...
50 Mines Vanilla/Glitchless Guide + Quick Video Guide (1.5 version is best)Chikorita 2 years ago Abigail Glitchless/Vanilla Speedrun Guide with crop manipgayannabeth 1 year ago An Introduction to Speedrunning Stardew Valleyblackheartwings 2 years ago ...
Fixed issue where the mines were checking for the luck level of players in the host’s current location, rather than players in the mines. Fixed phantom action cursor over backwoods gravestone if the current player hasn’t seen the related event yet. Fixed global chat info messages (like “...
Stardew Valley goes through the typical four seasons of Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter, with each season having something different. Different seasons call for different types of events and activities, and on a farm, different crops. Now you may be wondering just what kind of crops can grow...
Sometimes Needed for the Remixed Fish Tank Bundles. Can be used to make a Blobfish Mask with the Sewing Machine. 2. Lava Eel Image View Gallery The Lava Eel is a great fish to add to your pond. They’re found in the lava lake level of the mines, and while they can be a nightmar...
A mod for stardew valley, that randomizes many aspects of the game, uses SMAPI. - certifiableGrimalkin/stardew-valley-randomizer
You can now use the “Y” key to answer dialogue boxes for holes and exit ladders in the mines. Controller improvements: When buying/betting tokens in the Stardew Valley Festival with a controller, holding the number selection button now causes the amount to increase faster....