Sell Price500g Gemologist Profession(+30% Sell Price)650g Star Shardsare amineralthat can be found in theMagma Geodeand theOmni Geode. Gifting Bundles Star Shards are not used in anybundles. Recipes Star Shards are not used in any recipes. ...
Standing Geode Can be placed as decoration. Information SourceCost Museum Donation11Minerals Sell PriceCannot be sold TheStanding Geodeis a piece offurniturethat can be obtained only by donating 11Mineralsto theMuseum. If the original is lost, a replacement can be purchased at theLost Items Shop...
Stardew Valley 1.6 finally hits the console and mobile versions of Eric 'ConcernedApe' Barone’s 30 million-selling farm life simulation game today, November 4, and with it update 1.6.9 launches across all platforms. The Stardew Valley 1.6.9 update for consoles, mobile, and ...
For example, Demetrius often asks for samples of minerals or certain fish species for his research into the ecology and geology of the valley; minerals and fish are not which he likes. BIRTHDAYS: Most of the characters which the protagonist can interact with happen to have birth dates; even ...
Add more minerals to slime drops, based on colour. Share Requirements Permissions and credits Slime MineralsAdd more minerals to slime drops! Lots of minerals are only obtainable through geodes, and the Slime Hutch doesn't have much of a purpose apart from farming slimes... So why not ...
Gunther, the curator, will ask the Player to help by donating Artifacts and Minerals. Only a single copy of any particular item may be donated. Note that if an item has not yet been donated, its description in inventory or storage says: "Gunther can tell you more about this if you ...
模板:NavboxMinerals(查看源代码) 模板:NavboxMinerals/doc(查看源代码) 返回至“模板:NavboxMinerals”。星露谷1.6版本发布,点击查看更新日志。 本站点内容全部基于官方维基和游戏资料制作,基于CC BY-NC-SA 3.0协议分享,严禁抄袭,转载需注明来源。 我们反对任何破解和盗版行为,请前往steam商店或WeGame商店购买正版支持原...
You can now only sell books to the bookseller via the book purchase menu, not the trade-in menu. This reduces the chance of accidentally selling a book when trying to trade it in. The collections tab now shows artifacts, gems, and minerals once they’re donated to the museum (not as ...
Stardew Valley Mods Modding Tools SMAPI - Stardew Modding API SMAPI - Stardew Modding API Endorsements 247,673 Unique DLs -- Total DLs -- Total views -- Version 4.0.8 Download: Manual 0 of 0 File information Last updated 18 October 2024 6:27AM Original upload 16 June 2018...
Predictions of not very random events in Stardew Valley - stardew-predictor/index.html at cc235d0690931d24edbd9fb8373253b14e5fb5a7 · MouseyPounds/stardew-predictor