但是不知道为什么,这种增加方式被作者自己屏蔽掉了。 (增加经验的方法名是gainExperience(),两个参数,第一个增加哪个技能的经验,第二个是增加的值,luckLevel这个是5,作者的写法是 但是!!在gainExperience这个方法里,第一句是一个判断 fuck!!懂代码的可以看一下。) 所以结论就是,目前没有发现可以增加幸运等级的手...
When the rock is broken, the code in StardewValley.Locations.MineShaft::checkStoneForItems will potentially call StardewValley.Locations.MineShaft::getOreIndexForLevel to have ore drop. The key parts of the code are[10]: double chanceModifier = who.DailyLuck / 2.0 + (double)who.MiningLevel ...
Reading the Stardew Valley Almanac or Book Of Stars also gives Farming experience. Each level grants +1 proficiency to hoes and watering cans. Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Crafting Recipes: Crafting Recipes: Crafting / Cooking Recipes: Crafting Recipes: Choose a Profession: ...
在上文中,第一次随机性判定的概率由SpawnFishData::GetChance方法和Data/Locations.xnb中的鱼类数据给出,计算公式为{概率} = ChanceModifiers({Chance} + {CuriosityLureBuff} + {当日运气}) * {SpecificBaitMultiplier} + {SpecificBaitBuff} + {ChanceBoostPerLuckLevel} * {运气等级},其中英文参数均为Data/...
Unzip the mod folder intoStardew Valley/Mods. Run the game using SMAPI. Use Just like the normal skills, the luck skill appears on the player tab of the game menu, and you can level it up and choose professions. You get luck experience based on your daily luck (what the fortune teller...
Luck is a statistic that affects many different aspects of the game, such as the chance of finding geodes and chance of getting treasure from Fishing. There are several sources of luck: daily luck determined by the game, buffs gained from eating certain
Tips for Exploring the Mine in Stardew Valley Luck factors heavily into when you should go mining. It's not useless on a bad luck day but you'll find items much more frequently if the spirits say you're lucky. This affects item drop rates. ...
Stardew Valley is an open-ended country-life RPG with support for up to 4-player co-op! It's up to you to choose your path... Features •Turn your overgrown field into a lively farm! Gather resources and use them to build a variety of farm buildings. You'll have plenty of space...
If you're looking to bring your farm a step up, today we will be counting down the top 5 most profitable activities in Stardew Valley.
请注意,游戏并没有在活动前告知玩家“potluck(百乐餐)” 是一种汤,也没有告知玩家烹饪物品或不可食用的物品是无效的。 在品汤之前,刘易斯镇长说:“我相信你们都往锅里放了上好的材料。我们一定要让州长先生不虚此行啊!”此时,会出现玩家的角色发现要改变已经加入汤中的物品已经太晚了的画面。