若属性为数值类型,则<value>代表最小值。以下是某些没有被对应类别查询覆盖到的值: 名称效果 GoldenCoconutCracked 玩家是否打开过金色椰子(true或false)。 GoldenWalnutsFoundGoldenWalnuts 玩家找到或持有的金色核桃总数。若需检查某玩家当前持有的金色核桃数量,请使用PLAYER_HAS_ITEM查询。 IsGoblinRemoved 是否...
'''垃圾桶'''can be found next to buildings in[[Pelican Town]]. If you "use" one(right-click on it), you can sometimes find a valuable item. + '''垃圾桶'''[[]]() − Garbage Cans' contents are affected by daily luck.
Villagers will reward the player with gold equivalent to three times the item's normal value, which may make Item Delivery quests a more efficient method of earning money from items than shipping them. The player also earns 150 Friendship points with the requesting villager for completing the que...
CJBok and Pathoschild Uploaded by Pathoschild Virus scan Safe to use Tags for this mod Gameplay Cheating English French German Italian Japanese Polish View more... About this mod An easy-to-use in-game item spawner menu. Share Requirements ...
Note:mods created before Stardew Valley 1.6 may use theitem.ParentSheetIndexfield as an item identifier. This isnota valid identifier; multiple items of the same type may have the same sprite index for different textures. Item types Items are defined byitem type data definitions, which handle ...
ItemBags for Stardew Valley Expanded有兴趣可以加一下我的汉化群,虽然现在没几个人,群号208011620,到时候如果有什么mod需要汉化或者说有什么mod有item bag的需求可以和我说 Share Requirements Permissions and credits 我的天啊,SVE的物品分类简直是个灾难。农作物产出分成Fruit和Vegitable我可以理解,但是还有一部...
Stardew Valley: Farming Skill Bonuses, Crop Quality, and Professions Harvesting produce is very satisfying, especially after all that watering. Some crops (such as blueberries) can produce multiple fruit in a single harvest. Farming is a nearly essential activity in Stardew Valley due to its huge...
Stardew Valley is all about the simple things in life and making the most of what you have. However, that doesn’t mean everything in the game is cheap. For those farmers who like the finer things in life (Haley fans, I’m looking at you), this article l
"ItemId": "FLAVORED_ITEM Juice (O)400", "Quality": 4 参见模组:物品查询#物品生成字段以获取更多信息。 模组数据modData字典字段存储关于实例的自定义数据。这些数据会在多人游戏中自动同步,会储存在存档文件中,且可通过C#或类似于PLAYER_MOD_DATA的游戏状态查询获取之。
Stardew Valley Mod that adds an item tooltip if the item is in the community bundle and hasn't been added to the appropriate bundle slot yet. - musbah/StardewValleyMods