Farming is the skill associated with planting, growing, and harvesting crops on the farm, and also the care of farm animals. It's one of the main income sources for the game, and provides most of the ingredients for cooking.
Farming is a nearly essential activity in Stardew Valley due to its huge potential for income and the useful crafting structures unlocked vialeveling the skill. Farming is probably the most effective way to make money early on, in combination with other activities likeforagingandfishing. The best ...
Iron Bar (1) Copper Bar (1) Wood (30) Oak Resin Farming Level 8 Crab Pot Place it in the water, load it with bait, and check the next day to see if you've caught anything. Works in streams, lakes, and the ocean. Iron Bar (3) Wood (40) Fishing Level 3 Recycling Machine...
进入StardewValley\Saves\游戏角色名_一串数字里面有一个和目录一样名字的文件就是存档文件这其实是一个XML文本文档,可以直接用Windows自带的记事本或写字板打开,如果在乎xml排版的话也可以用其他支持xml格式的编辑器打开 2楼2016-04-05 19:55 回复 轻拂的晓风 星陨之力 8 搬板凳前排 来自Android客户端3楼...
Though Stardew Valley markets itself as a farming game, you probably won’t be thinking about crops when you walk out of the farm. Pelican Town boasts 12 romanceable characters for you to choose from. And though you won’t be marrying goddesses like inother farming games, you will meet s...
有个长的像避雷针的东西,雷雨天后会出电池。 避雷针,是foraging 6级解锁出来的道具。 周末周五出现在湖泊那的奸商也有几率卖电池。
Winter is downtime for your farming tools, so you can afford to lose them the two days it takes them to be upgraded. Take 5 bars of the next material you need (it goes copper, iron, gold) to the blacksmith along with several thousand gold (more is needed depending on the level of ...
《星露谷物语stardew valley》中有很多物品玩家们还未找到,Iron bar在哪?下面为大家简单介绍一下,一起来看看吧。获取方法:Iron在矿洞40层后出,出来后5个原材料+1个煤炭放在那个黑色的炼钢炉里面即可。以上就是Iron bar获取方法,以供参考。
Iron bar就是铁锭 铁锭不是自然产生的物品 需要冶炼 有熔炉、铁矿和煤炭的情况下 将5个铁矿放进熔炉 等待时间到 就会收到一个铁锭
In the 1.1 update, Stardew Valley had several new farm maps added. You can still choose the original, wide open field map from the game’s launch, but the others add support for those who may prefer fishing or fighting over farming. If you’ll be playing for the first time, the standa...