A searchable Stardew Valley Item ID List, with all Stardew Valley cheats for the latest version (1.5) of the game on PC/Mac (Steam), XBOX One, PS4 and the Nintendo Switch.
Tool developed by Mateus Aquino to help you find the IDs of items in Stardew Valley updated for the 1.6 update. Spawning items You can spawn items by appending the item ID to your character's name and then talking to NPCs, or by buying a pet from Marnie appending the item ID to its ...
语法: getstat <S:statID> 向SMAPI控制台输出指定状态的数值。某些状态的数值也能通过赌场的进度跟踪器获悉。 状态ID大小写敏感(技术提示:它们是StardewValley.Starts类的属性,但并不是所有属性都会被游戏跟踪)。1.4.3版本已知的ID包括:AverageBedtime, BarsSmelted, BeveragesMade, BouldersCracked, CaveCarrotsFound...
怪物图鉴是一本由怪物掉落获取的能力之书。怪物掉落这本书的概率从 0.01% 开始计算,每杀死一只怪物增加 0.015% ,直到掉落为止。之后的获取概率会永久保持在 0.05% 。在玩家杀死 10 个以上怪物之前不会掉落这本书。[1] 从第3年开始,玩家也可以用 20,000从书摊老板处购买这本书(出现概率为 ~9%)。[2] ...
If you've been wondering how to spawn items in Stardew Valley, you've come to the right article. If you already know how to spawn items in Stardew Valley, and are looking for item IDs to spawn, check out ouritem ID list. There aren't any commands that can be used to cheat in ite...
Then, you'll need to copy stardew valley unpacked files to /assets folder. Patching the items can be done by running: npm run update-item-list This will patch all the items in the game to a /dist folder separated by item type. To generate/update the index.html page with all the IDs...
星露谷年历(Stardew Valley Almanac)是游戏星露谷物语中的一种书籍,使用后耕种技能经验增加250。 可以从以下方式获得: 以5,000g到10,000g的价格从书摊老板处购买。 以6,000g的价格从旅行货车处购买(1%的几率出现)。 捕获普通(0.12%几率)或黄金(1.5%几率)钓鱼宝箱。 在镇长的庄园使用兑奖机(有20%几率获得第15个...
Stardew Valley Expanded chinese-10342-1-14-39-1712662650.zip(Stardew Valley Expanded chinese)folder 394KB You are downloading an archived version of this mod which is no longer supported by the mod author. Please do not report issues encountered while playing with this version as they may alread...