↑ 参见游戏代码中的 Crop::ResolveSeedId 部分。 ↑ 参见游戏文件中的Data/LocationContexts中Desert和Island的SeasonOverride部分。 历史 1.3.27:在错误的季节直接不能种植作物,而非种下后消失。新增仙人掌果子作物。 1.4:新增茶叶和未碾米作物。 1.5:新增铱星作物,可通过使用顶级肥料获得。新增菠萝、芋头和齐瓜作物...
After planting the seed of a crop in Stardew Valley, make sure to water it every day unless it rains. Eventually, the crop will be ready for you to harvest, and you can choose to keep it in a storage item or sell it directly on the market. There are four types of crop qualiti...
Stardew Valley sometimes rewards you with a giant crop at harvest which ends up giving you a bigger yield than expected. But are they worth it in terms of ROI? Can you grow a super-sized crop anywhere? And what are the requirements to get an extra huge crop in the game? Here’s the...
Crops are plants that are grown from seeds to be harvested for the purpose of profit, food, or gifting. Generally, each crop is seasonal. It can be planted only during its designated season, and when seasons change (after the 28th day), the crop will wit
Season Crop Growth Times, Sell Prices, and Profit Per Day The following are a list of all crops in Stardew Valley and their prices at base value. There are also growth times listed along with the seed cost at the general store. These are listed with the highest value crops first, so th...
All games Stardew Valley Mods Visuals and Graphics Crop Watering Bubbles-Chinese translation Endorsements 21 Unique DLs 1,027 Total DLs 1,183 Total views 5,382 Version 0.2.3 Original File Download: Manual 1 items Last updated 29 August 20232:58PM ...
Version 0.3.1 Original File Download: Manual 3 items Last updated 19 May 20245:15AM Original upload 19 May 20245:15AM Created by Trih Uploaded by istrih Virus scan Safe to use Translation SMAPI Version 1.6 Compatible Tag this mod Description ...
Stardew Valley is a fantastic game. The tranquil, simple - yet in the same time, extremely deep - contryside absorbed me at the moment I set foot in Pelican Town. The farming help me in my final years of university when"I'd lost sight of what mattered most in the life..."and after...
These Stardew Valley mods can add everything from flowery building redesigns to handy multiplayer mods.
There are eight different Farm Maps to choose from in Stardew Valley. Each map features a unique layout of the Farm, offering different benefits and favoring specific skills. Only one map can be chosen when starting a new game, and cannot be changed once