Exploring the Mine is nearly essential to getting the best objects in Stardew Valley. You'll miss out on crafting opportunities and great items that can improve your farm at home. The mines open up on day 5, when Jojo Mart blasts the rock that was blocking the entrance. From there forward...
resetmines 重置“永久性矿井改变”,例如煤矿矿车和宝箱。不会影响矿井层数进度或杀怪目标。 # returneddonations 打开镇长的庄园中失物招领处的“退回的捐赠品”菜单。 # skullcavedifficulty,scd 语法: skullcavedifficulty [I:difficultyLevel] 设置骷髅洞穴难度为指定等级。在原版游戏中,正常难度为0,与"骷...
Quartz A clear crystal commonly found in caves and mines. Foraging - The Mines Snow Yam This little yam was hiding beneath the snow. Tilling - Winter Spring Onion These grow wild during the spring. Foraging - Spring Wild Horseradish A spicy root found in the spring. Foraging - ...
Purple Mushrooms will not be requested until the player has reached floor 40 of the Mines. However, weather-dependent fish can be requested in any weather. A gem, once the player has reached the bottom of The Mines. A metal bar, if the player can craft a furnace. An animal product, ...
✅ Json Assets-Compatible(since version 0.14.0) - You can use custom weapons in disposition file from JA in your content packs via weapon name (Only swords supported). ✅Pacifist Valley- You can give some love to monsters with companions together! For full compatibility you need install Co...
Stardew Valley: How to Get Starfruit Seeds ByUsama Ali Stardew Valley: How to Get Return Scepter ByUsama Ali Stardew Valley: How to Get Life Elixir ByUsama Ali Stardew Valley: How to Get Starfruit Seeds ByUsama Ali Stardew Valley: How to Get Return Scepter ...
钢琴谱:星露谷物语 Stardew Valley-Mines Concerned Ape 版 2941 浏览 2020-04-29 发布 下载 打印 收藏 35 下载APP 曲谱介绍:《星露谷物语》是Concerned Ape演唱的一首歌曲,未知作曲,本首曲子是中等难度的E大调钢琴歌谱(带和弦),适合有一定基础的同学学习哟星露谷物语Stardew Valley背景音乐,QQ406991799展开更多....
Added boss on level 10 mines.Increases the difficulty of all monsters in all monster areas.-Increases the droprates of all monsters in all monster areas.This mod should work with all other mods and is tested with SMAPI 2.1.This mod can be very frustrating and hard....
■ Rebuilt for touch-screen gameplay on iOS with mobile-specific features, such as auto-select to toggle quickly between your farming tools and auto-attack to swiftly take down fiendish monsters in the mines ■ Continue farming from where you last left off with auto-save (even if you close ...
Located just Northeast of the Carpenter's Shop, the Mines is an important location inStardew Valley. In this guide we will go over the ins and outs of the Mines, and provide information that will help you be successful in the most dangerous place of Pelican Town. ...