IsGreenhousebool是否为温室(温室内可种植作物,且全年可生长)。 IsOutdoorsbool是否为室外。 charactersNPC组成的NetCollection该地点中的村民、宠物、马、怪物。 critters私有方法Critter组成的List该地点中暂时的鸟、松鼠等等,用于衬托景色。 debrisDebris组成的NetCollection掉落物(漂浮的物品)。
Fruit trees cannot be planted in the corners of the Greenhouse. Neither the greenhouse wall nor the wood border itself will impede the growth of the fruit trees, although a one-space separation must be maintained between the tree and any items (like sprinklers) that are placed on the wood ...
Greenhouse Nº2. The standard greenhouse but a little more organized so that you can have crops with 2 iridium sprinklers with pressure nozzles and 8 trees.
You can plant almost any type of crop in the greenhouse, regardless of the season. Because of its ability to grow crops in winter, it’s the only place you can plant Winter Seeds. Fruit trees are capable of being planted inside the building as well, on the condition that there’s alway...
Layout tips All farm layouts Five of our favorite Stardew Valley farm layouts Your farm is what you make it – you want trees right in the middle? Sure. Barns at the bottom? Great. Why not move your farmhouse right over the other side near the water? Go right ahead! But with such fr...
Large Greenhouse, originally created for my Legacy Farm but should be compatible with most farm maps! Three large planting rooms, a large basement, and a garden area to have fun with! Share Requirements Permissions and credits Nexus Mods
In Fall, Oak Trees and Maple Trees that are not in Pelican Town or the Greenhouse may temporarily turn into Green Rain Trees Type 1 and 2, respectively, and will return to their original form the next Spring. If a tapper is placed on the tree, this change will not occur. [2] Content...
You’ll save a lot of money with this farm. Screenshot by Dot Esports Each map inStardew Valleyis better for one of the following activities: farming, foraging, fishing, mining, and combat. You always get the abandoned Greenhouse, a body of water, and a cave, but the layout ...
Image via FarmsofStardewValley Reddit If you want the ultimate hilltop farm layout in Stardew Valley, Reddit user SoFluffin‘s design is simple and effective. At the peak of the hill, they placed their farmhouse, greenhouse, silos, and ore processors for easy access. Going down the hill,...
[Top 5] Stardew Valley Best Fruit Trees (And Why They're Great) Fruit Trees – they cost a lot and take a month to grow, but will produce their fruit every day for you to harvest for their fruiting season. Or, if you put them in a greenhouse, literally every day! Fruits have a ...