↑参见FruitTree:IsGrowthBlocked。 ↑参见Object::placementAction。 历史 1.0:加入游戏。 1.1:加入成长机制,果树成熟后产出的水果的品质逐年提高。 1.4:移除果树成熟后,品质的成长需要空置周围3x3地面的机制。修复远古斑点会导致果树无法生长的问题。修复果树树苗周围能够种植普通树苗种子的问题。
Fruit Trees require 28 days to mature, after which they produce one fruit per day when in season. Fruit can accumulate up to three days before harvesting. Fruit trees do not need to be watered, and will not die in the winter. Fruit saplings will grow dur
↑ 參見FruitTree:IsGrowthBlocked。 ↑ 參見Object::placementAction。歷史1.0:加入遊戲。 1.1:加入成長機制,果樹成熟後產出的水果的品質逐年提高。 1.4:移除果樹成熟後,品質的成長需要空置周圍3x3地面的機制。修復遠古斑點會導致果樹無法生長的問題。修復果樹樹苗周圍能夠種植普通樹苗種子的問題。 1.5:新增香蕉樹苗和...
For fruit that grows on trees, see Fruit Trees.Crops are plants that are grown from seeds to be harvested for the purpose of profit, food, or gifting. Generally, each crop is seasonal. It can be planted only during its designated season, and when seasons change (after the 28th day), ...
The file Fruit Tree Tweaks v.0.5.2 is a modification for Stardew Valley, a(n) rpg game. Download for free. File Size: 27.5 KB
Fruit Tree Tweeks For 1.6 by aedenthorn via chiccen Original mod created by aedenthorn This update doesn't change much from the original, it primarily brings the mod up to date with Stardew Valley version 1.6. If I broke something, let me know by submitting a bug report or reaching on ...
Adds Fruit trees that produce artisan goods! Share Requirements Permissions and credits Changelogs ARTISAN TREES:Features:- Adds Cheese, Goat cheese, Cloth and Truffle oil trees.- New vendor at the beach, who sells them.- ALL PRODUCTS GO UP IN QUALITY AFTER 1 YEAR AS WELL!Coming Soon...
Compilation of Stardew Valley Mods I am working on, or may work on in the future. - StardewValleyMods/FruitTreeTweaks/manifest.json at main · chiccenFL/StardewValleyMods
Fruit Tree Shakeris a mod forStardew Valley, created byaedenthorn. Description: Shakes fruit trees automatically. This mod causes fruit to fall from the tree when ripe, allowing you to pick it up just by walking close to the tree.
Current Stardew Valley Expanded Wiki Quests Lance's monster crop quest. Bridge Magic Quest History 1.14 Added. Items ArtifactsAmber•Boomerang•Faded Button•Fossilized Apple•Galdoran Gem•Old Coin•Rusty Shield•Stone of Yoba ConsumablesAged Blue Moon Wine•Blue Moon Wine•Dewdrop Berry...