语法: setupfarm [S:clearMore] 移除所有农场建筑,并清理农场的一小块区域(第二个参数设为true会导致清理更大区域,不会将除了true以外的值设为true)。之后,进行以下操作: 在特定地点生成1个鸡舍,1个畜棚,1个筒仓。 金钱增加20000. 所有工具升级为铱制。 向背包中添加1把剪刀,1个挤奶桶,1整组木材、石头...
Replaces most farm buildings with foresty new ones.requires Content Patcher and SMAPI Share Requirements Permissions and credits Donations This mod replaces all of these buildings with foresty alternatives to match the forest farm!All that are paintable in vanilla have adjusted paint mask so th...
Forest Farm The forest encroaches on the land, limiting farming space. However, there are renewable stumps on the west edge of the map, and seasonal forage items spawn there as well. There is a type of weed which spawns on this farm, which looks unique and will always drop mixed seeds ...
Valid types are: 0 (Standard), 1 (Riverland), 2 (Forest), 3 (Hilltop), 4 (Wilderness), 5 (Four Corners), 6 (Beach), and 7 (Meadowlands) # setupbigfarm Clears the farm and then does the following: Spawns 3 Deluxe Coops full of chickens, 2 Deluxe Barns full of cows, a ...
Setup Run the gameusing SMAPI. Load the farmyou want to customize, or create a new character and progress past the game's intro. This will create a .json configuration file for your character in theStardew Valley\Mods\FarmTypeManager\datafolder. ...
Supported Stardew Valley version - 1.5.6 Desktop & Web Added ✨ Add new layouts riverland farm forest farm hill-top farm wilderness farm four corners farm ✨ Support editor map zoom Changed 💅 Adjust UI Desktop Fixed 🔧 Fix screen scaling bug Web Added ✨ Support tooltips ✨ Sup...
settingsAccount settings tuneSite preferences info Join the Beta to test our latest design updates.Find out more. Join Beta close Under moderation This mod is under moderation review (since 20 Mar 2024, 7:19PM ) VORTEX The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. ...
Added a warning when a farm animal’s spritesheet size is invalid, which would previously lead to the animal silently freezing. You can now use tokenizable strings in event scripts and dialogue text. De-hardcoded forest waterfall fish intoData/Locations. ...
It was unintentionally changed to daily in Stardew Valley 1.5.You can no longer plant trees in the beach farm tunnel.Randomization no longer produces simple repeating patterns in many cases (e.g. clay farming, mushroom level prediction, crab pot fish offset, etc).(You can enable “Use Legacy...
If you're looking to set up a farm that makes a lot of money in Stardew Valley, check out these insanely profitable farms for inspiration!