Sunflower Seeds 夏天或秋天播种。8 天产出巨大向日葵。收割时产出更多种子。 信息 作物向日葵 成熟需8天 季节 夏季•秋季 售出价格20(种植收获) 100(从Joja超市购买) 购买价格 杂货店200 Joja超市125 旅行货车100 ~ 1,000 夜市(冬季16和17日)200
物品编号(O)MixedFlowerSeeds 混合花卉种子是一种能种出随机花的种子,可种植出一定种类的花卉(如下表所列)。混合花卉种子在非冬季种植时,会随机选择其生长的具体作物,即使是在温室和室内的花盆中也是当季的花卉。混合花卉种子于冬季不能在室外种植。但在该季节的室内种植的场合,作物类型是从所有季节的作物中随机选...
向日葵种子(Sunflower Seeds)是种子的一种。成熟之后可以长成向日葵。 玩家可以在皮埃尔的杂货店、乔家超市和旅行货车购买,也可以通过种子生产器获得。收获向日葵也有概率掉落向日葵种子。 阶段种子阶段1阶段2阶段3阶段4收获售价治疗效果用途 向日葵种子杂货店 200g 80g 100g 120g +45 能量 +20 生命值 +63 能量 +...
When selling Sunflower Seeds to Pierre, seeds collected by harvesting Sunflowers or purchased from Pierre sell for 20g each. However, seeds purchased from JojaMart sell for 100g. Thus, if you purchase one seed from JojaMart, then add collected seeds to that stack in inventory, all the ...
Since both sunflowers and their seeds can be processed into oil using anOil Maker, when processing sunflowers into oil it is more profitable to first process the crop intoSunflower Seedsusing aSeed Maker. This will yield on average 2 seeds, producing on average 2 oil for 1 sunflower instead...
《tardew valley》作为一款类似牧场物语的游戏来有着原牧场物语中的很多玩法,其中种地就是玩法之一,那么游戏中究极种地的种子周期如何,结果结几个呢?下面就来提供一下全种子中文资料一览。 《tardew valley》作为一款类似牧场物语的游戏来有着原牧场物语中的很多玩法,其中种地就是玩法之一,那么游戏中究极种地的种子周期...
This packs adds 17 flowers and 2 crops, in various seasons, including some winter flowers, and the ability to discover seeds or flowers in the wild.
进入StardewValley\Saves\游戏角色名_一串数字里面有一个和目录一样名字的文件就是存档文件这其实是一个XML文本文档,可以直接用Windows自带的记事本或写字板打开,如果在乎xml排版的话也可以用其他支持xml格式的编辑器打开 2楼2016-04-05 19:55 回复 轻拂的晓风 星陨之力 8 搬板凳前排 来自Android客户端3楼...
The farming life isn't always as easy or relaxing as we hope it will be in Stardew Valley. If you just want to get ahead in life, here are some cheats to help.
无编辑摘要 08:46 -30 Chino 无编辑摘要 08:43 +29 Chino 创建页面,内容为“{{Infobox |name = 太阳花 |image = Sunflower.png |seed = {{name|Sunflower Seeds}} |growth = 8天 |season = {{Season|Summer}} • {...” 08:33 +2,295...