最新编辑:Time_Task <Fishing 页面贡献者 : 等级1等级2等级3等级4等级5 合成配方:合成配方:合成/烹饪配方:合成配方:选择一个职业: 抛掷距离增加一格鱼饵 威利的渔具店解锁玻璃纤维鱼竿和鱼饵 蟹笼海之菜肴 威利的渔具店解锁蟹笼 高级鱼饵虫饵盒回收机 威利的渔具店解锁高级鱼饵 ...
Farming/SkillStardewValley星露谷维基 Mining/SkillStardewValley星露谷维基 Fishing/SkillStardewValley星露谷维基 Combat/SkillStardewValley星露谷维基星露谷1.6版本发布,点击查看更新日志。 本站点内容全部基于官方维基和游戏资料制作,基于CC BY-NC-SA 3.0协议分享,严禁抄袭,转载需注明来源。 我们反对任何破解和盗版行为,请前往...
Fishing is a skill associated with catching fish with a fishing rod or by collecting items from crab pots.
物品编号(O)SkillBook_1 鱼饵和浮漂是一本技能技能之书,可以通过以下方式获得: 在书摊老板处以5,000-10,000的价格购买。 在旅行商人处以6,000的价格购买(出现概率为 1%)。[1] 通过钓鱼宝箱获得,普通钓鱼宝箱概率为 0.12%,金色钓鱼宝箱概率为 1.5%。[2] ...
Stardew Valley: Fishing How to Play the Fishing Mini-Game Learning how to catch fish in Stardew Valley will help you make gold from catching fish, and provide ingredients for cooking recipes. Fishing is probably the single hardest aspect of Stardew Valley, because it's not immediately obvious ...
class="skilltableend" | Level 5 |- | class="skillsubheader" |合成配方 | class="skillsubheader" |合成配方 | class="skillsubheader" | 打造配方/食谱 | class="skillsubheader" |合成配方 | class="skillsubheader" |选择专精 |- | rowspan=2 | 抛竿范围扩大1格 | rowspan=2 | [[File:Bait...
Skills are player attributes which are leveled up through the use of specific tools or actions, or by reading Books. Each skill has ten levels. A skill level increase is awarded immediately upon earning enough experience points (XP) for a new level, and
Fishing is one of the five main skills inStardew Valleyand an excellent way to make some money. However, the fishing minigame involves a bit of skill and the type of fish you can catch changes each season. Combine that with a few different fishing locations, bait, and tackle, and the ...
s farm. Unless you’re willing to pay up 10000 gold for your indecisiveness, you better choose the best professions for every skill from the get-go. In this guide, I’ll go over the best professions for each skill in Stardew Valley, as well as how you can change the ones you’ve ...
文本替换 - 替换“Fishing_Skill_Icon”为“Fishing Skill Icon” 小 21:56 2022年8月4日 (星期四) 香菇 无编辑摘要 13:35 +11 香菇 无编辑摘要 13:34 +4,508 2022年7月10日 (星期日) 香菇 无编辑摘要 12:24 +3,509 2022年7月8日 (星期五) ...