物品编号(BC)FishSmoker 熏鱼机是一种工匠设备,用于将鱼加工成熏鱼,其打造配方通过在鱼店以10,000的价格购买解锁。 熏鱼机每次加工鱼都需要消耗一个煤炭,加工后的制品为熏鱼,其保留鱼品质的同时将基础售价提升至原来的 2 倍,并将恢复的能量和生命值提升 1.5 倍。熏鱼机也可以用于加工传说鱼类以及部分蟹笼鱼类,且...
熏鱼机(Fish Smoker)是一种设备,用于制作熏鱼。如果玩家创建存档时选择河边农场,开局会赠送一个。 而其他农场开局或后期想增加熏鱼机数量可以去威利的鱼店花费 10,000g购买配方。 找罗宾新建的每个联机小屋内也会自带一台熏鱼机,这意味着选择河边农场可以以每台 100g的成本通过罗宾不断建造拆除联机小屋获得无限数量...
Smoked Fish is an Artisan Good made from the Fish Smoker using any fish and 1 coal, taking 50 minutes. It doubles the sell price of the fish while retaining quality, as well as multiplying the energy and health restoration by 1.5.
However, it is otherwise not considered to be a fish, and therefore cannot be sold to Willy at the Fish Shop, does not benefit from fish price bonuses, cannot be used in place of "Any Fish" in recipes, and cannot be put in a Bait Maker, Fish Smoker, or Fish Pond. ...
NextDouble() < .5) ? "Fish Smoker" : "Dehydrator"; break; case 12: item = (rng.NextDouble() < .5) ? "Artifact Trove" : "Mystery Box"; itemQty = 4; break; case 13: item = wikify("House Plant (" + rng.Next(3) + ")", "Furniture"); noLink = true; break;...
[2] However, it is otherwise not considered to be a fish, and therefore cannot be sold to Willy at the Fish Shop, does not benefit from fish price bonuses, cannot be used in place of "Any Fish" in recipes, and cannot be put in a Bait Maker, Fish Smoker, or Fish Pond. ...
There are eight different Farm Maps to choose from in Stardew Valley. Each map features a unique layout of the Farm, offering different benefits and favoring specific skills. Only one map can be chosen when starting a new game, and cannot be changed once
ArtisanBee House•Cask•Cheese Press•Dehydrator•Fish Smoker•Keg•Loom•Mayonnaise Machine•Oil Maker•Preserves Jar RefiningBait Maker•Bone Mill•Charcoal Kiln•Crystalarium•Deluxe Worm Bin•Furnace•Geode Crusher•Heavy Furnace•Heavy Tapper•Lightning Rod•Mushroom Log•...
Targeted Bait is a specialized type of bait which increases the chance of hooking a specific fish in a given area provided the fish can be caught in that area at that time, weather, and season. The bite rate for any targeted bait is the same as for stand
ArtisanBee House•Cask•Cheese Press•Dehydrator•Fish Smoker•Keg•Loom•Mayonnaise Machine•Oil Maker•Preserves Jar RefiningBait Maker•Bone Mill•Charcoal Kiln•Crystalarium•Deluxe Worm Bin•Furnace•Geode Crusher•Heavy Furnace•Heavy Tapper•Lightning Rod•Mushroom Log•...