星露谷物语国际服手机版(Stardew Valley)游戏上线啦!星露谷物语国际服游戏内已经支持简体中文,玩家可以去感受一下该游戏的经典玩法,十分逼真的游戏画面,超多活动任务等着你来完成,像素风格,自由布置你的房间,打造温馨家园,经营养成的玩法让你感受田园生活,玩家们将在这里拥有自己的家园,打造更多丰富的经典玩法。 游戏亮点...
Here's how to set up a Stardew Valley co-op farm for online play with your friends or local multiplayer. Comments When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Here’s how it works. (Image credit: ConcernedApe) If you're tired of facing Pelican Tow...
111: "Rusty Spur/25/-300/Arch/An old spur that was once attached to a cowboy's boot. People must have been raising animals in this area for many generations./Farm .1/Money 1 100" #!String112: "Rusty Cog/25/-300/Arch/A well preserved cog that must have been part of some ...
Farming is the skill associated with planting, growing, and harvesting crops on the farm, and also the care of farm animals. It's one of the main income sources for the game, and provides most of the ingredients for cooking.
player_setstamina 语法: player_setstamina <I:amount> 设置玩家当前体力. 示例: player_setstamina 200 会设置体力为200。 # 世界command description hurry_all 立刻将全部村民传送到他们计划去往的位置。(要加速单个村民,请使用debug hurry npc-name命令)。 # set_farm_type list 显示set_farm_type...
The Farm Cave is an underground location accessed through a passage near the northern edge of The Farm. Initially, it is just a small empty cave. After the player accumulates data-sort-value="25000">25,000g in total earnings, Demetrius will visit th
Stardewvalley Anime Mods 重新绘制了NPC,看上去更二次元一些。我也是第一次下载这个类型的mod,尝试一下。 Capitalist Dream Farm 修改你的农场,让它更大,更适合种地!曾经安过这个mod,这个地图真的特别大,菜地也很规整,在家里来回跑会觉得有点累。 NPC Map Locations(可不用) ...
Best Forest farm layout inStardew Valley Into the woods we go. Image via FarmsofStardewValley Reddit To create the ultimate Forest layout inStardew Valley, you need strategic planning and a keen eye for balance – qualities you can find in Reddit userjandror‘s “town-like” farm layout. ...
一只喵喵喵 六花飞素 8 原版地图可以用这个星露谷物语布局模拟器http://bishengming.gitee.io/stardewvalleyfarm/ 来自Android客户端3楼2022-03-31 18:37 回复 梦斩龙 披星戴月 10 ESC 游戏设置 拉到最下面 有个截图按钮 可以截取整个当前加载的地图范围大小 如果在农场就是整个农场的俯瞰图 如果在小镇就是...