Maps/Farm_Mining 地图的Paths层必须至少有一个索引22地块(草生成地块)。这用于初始化草代码,无论是否真的有草生成。[1] Maps/FarmHouse* 用于放置玩家床的两个地块必须具有如下属性:Bed T(用于判断玩家是否在床上)以及TouchAction Sleep。 删除或更改墙纸和地板会导致游戏崩溃。 加载配偶房间时会清除DayTiles和...
Fallow (untilled) farm land must be tilled with the Hoe before fertilizing or planting there, an activity that consumes some of the player's daily energy, as reflected on the energy bar. A tile may be watered (by using the Watering Can) only after it has been tilled, which consumes ...
Players looking to find Copper in Stardew Valley may be at first confused, because the stones on the farm do not really drop it when you hit them with the pickaxe. Aside from buying it for inflated prices from the Blacksmith on the eastern side of Pelican Town (75g per ore is 375g per...
Copper NodeCopper OreAny floorSkull Cavern,Quarry,Quarry Mine,Hill-topandFour Cornersfarm maps,Volcano Dungeon Diamond NodeDiamondFloor 50+Skull Cavern,Quarry,Volcano Dungeon Emerald NodeEmeraldAny floor after reaching the bottom ofthe Mines; floor 80+ otherwiseSkull Cavern,Quarry ...
There are eight different Farm Maps to choose from in Stardew Valley. Each map features a unique layout of the Farm, offering different benefits and favoring specific skills. Only one map can be chosen when starting a new game, and cannot be changed once
Stardew Valley’s1.6 update gave us the option to start our countryside life on a new type of farm—the Meadowlands farm. Each farm has a unique layout that and encourages different skills, and this farm focuses on raising animals.
> debug whereItem "Watering Can" Found 1 item matching name 'Watering Can': - Farm > Shed at 50, 14 > Shed149bae63-2add-4ab6-a5aa-b3bd76372004 > Chest at 4, 4 > Watering Can ((T)CopperWateringCan) # Backpack and inventorycommand...
Stardew Valley Almanac 1 Must have already opened at least 3 other fishing treasure chests to obtain in regular chests ≈0.12%[13] 1.5% Woodcutter's Weekly 1 Must have already opened at least 3 other fishing treasure chests to obtain in regular chests ≈0.12%[13] 1.5% Carrot Seeds 8 ...
Your farmer starts with 5 tools in Stardew Valley and soon gets a sixth. These are core to your efforts to clean up the farm, gather resources for crafting, make money, and explore the world. The six tools you get can be upgraded by visiting the Blacksmith in town. You can reach him...
Exploring the Mine is nearly essential to getting the best objects in Stardew Valley. You'll miss out on crafting opportunities and great items that can improve your farm at home. The mines open up on day 5, when Jojo Mart blasts the rock that was blocking the entrance. From there forward...