进入StardewValley\Saves\游戏角色名_一串数字里面有一个和目录一样名字的文件就是存档文件这其实是一个XML文本文档,可以直接用Windows自带的记事本或写字板打开,如果在乎xml排版的话也可以用其他支持xml格式的编辑器打开 2楼2016-04-05 19:55 回复 轻拂的晓风 星陨之力 8 搬板凳前排 来自Android客户端3楼...
how to get a Stardew Valley fish pond, all of the Stardew Valley fish bundles to help fix the fish tank in the Community Centre, and whether you should pick the Fisher or Trapper
The Walleye is a fish that can be caught in the river (in Pelican Town or Cindersap Forest), the mountain Lake, and the Cindersap Forest pond during Fall when it is raining. It can also be caught in Winter if a Rain Totem is used. It can also be gifted by a pet cat with max ...
【学习工作背景音bgm】Rainy Night (10h) Coffee Shop Jazz Music and Rain/夜晚雨声咖啡厅环境音人声jazz轻快 aowu猪柳蛋堡 1118 0 【学习工作轻音乐bgm】1h 星露谷物语Stardew Valley BGM(带雨声)合集/最喜欢下雨天!因为不用浇水啦~~~温馨愉快向 aowu猪柳蛋堡 2622 0 【学习工作背景音bgm】Cafe and Ja...
Stardew Valley seems simple at first glance, what with its cheery soundtrack and minimalist pixel art style. You’ll quickly discover a fair bit of depth thou...
Stardew Valley: How To Unlock The Greenhouse While your first fishing rod can't have any attachments, at fishing level 2 and 6, new rods are for sale in Willy's Fish Shop, which can hold bait and tackle. Bait makes fish bite faster, so you can catch more fish in a single day. Bai...
示例: debug playmusic spring2 会播放 Spring (The Valley Comes Alive)。 # playsound,ps 语法: playsound <I:pitch> 播放指定音效。此处音高参数是可选的,在1(低音)到2400(高音)之间取值,包括1和2400。参见模组开发者的资源电子表格(Sound Bank IDs选项卡)以获取ID列表。 示例: debug ps purchase ...
There are fish all over Stardew Valley to find and catch while you explore the game. You can find them in every location with water, each with a unique pattern of when they like to spawn, which varies on the time of year and day. Recommended Videos Keeping track of all these fish can...
Type(可选)待创建的C#地点类的全名。必须为原版类型的名称以防存档时崩溃。由于类名过多,不在此一一列出,但最常用的类型为StardewValley.GameLocation(默认值)和StardewValley.Locations.DecoratableLocation。 CanPlantHere(可选)作物和树木在默认情形下是否能够种植和生长于此。除非相应的种植规则字段重写此字段,否则...