星露谷物語擴展(SVE)中文百科! 這是一個關於星露谷物語擴展模組的wiki!我們是一個合作性的網站,請自由編輯wiki的頁面。 條目頁面包含了此wiki的全部內容,可供瀏覽。 星露谷物語擴展(Stardew Valley Expanded,簡稱SVE)是由FlashShifter 創作的Valley Wiki 星露谷物
Grandpa's Shed is a new location in Stardew Valley Expanded. The shed comes in three options, depending on which farm the player chooses: Grandpa's Farm, Immersive Farm 2 Remastered, or all other farms. The shed has overgrown with vines and weeds and has
"It has an eyeball-like pattern. It's the closest someone can get to tasting a Stardrop." Monster Fruit is a summer fruit crop that grows from Stalk Seeds. Lance's monster crop quest. 1.14 Added.
[https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Golden_Pumpkin Golden Pumpkin] [[File:Prismatic_Shard.png|24px]] [https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Prismatic_Shard Prismatic Shard] [[File:Pearl.png|24px]] [https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Pearl Pearl] [[File:Lunarite.png|24px]] [https://stardewcommunitywiki....
暴击不适用 给予经验不适用 掉落物 不适用 模板文档[模板文档页面 ](*提醒:部分模板可能不会输出任何内容) Description To use this template, add the<Monster>template and fill in the appropriate fields. Fields left blank will not appear in articles. This infobox template usesFandom's infobox syntax. ...
百科地址:https://stardew-valley-expanded.fandom.com/wiki 山脊村:在原版的巴士站上方增加一个村庄,包括全新的人物、物品、事件、地点。 下载地址:https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/7286 百科地址:https://ridgeside.fandom.com/wiki 东斯卡村:在原版的博物馆东侧增加一个村庄,包括全新的人物、物品...
Location WIKI功能 阅读 查看源代码 查看历史 浏览属性 Location 信息 Example usage: {{Location|name=Oasis|image=oasis.png|caption=Example|hours=8:00AM - 11:00PM|address=Desert|occupants=Sandy}} 模板文档[模板文档页面 ](*提醒:部分模板可能不会输出任何内容)...
Crop profit formulaeandartisan multipliers https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Labeled_Section_Transclusion Useto mark the appropriate area of the page. #lst: is common for copying parts of tables to their seasonal pages; eg, to copy the row data to the "table of fish available during...
SVE的wiki链接https://stardew-valley-expanded.fandom.com/wiki/Stardew_Valley_Expanded_Wiki 前言:因为我也是第一次接触SVE,只是由于最近贴吧关于SVE的安装问题层出不穷,出于帮助吧友解决问题考虑决定整理并发帖,如有不足之处和错误请帮忙指正。 PDF版本:https://lake1059.lanzous.com/b0d83w2fe PDF版本由1059 ...