[https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Spaghetti Spaghetti] [[File:Battery_Pack.png|24px]] [https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Battery_Pack Battery Pack] [[File:Duck_Feather.png|24px]] [https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Duck_Feather Duck Feather] [[File:Rabbit's_Foot.png|24px]] [https://stardewvalley...
摩根是一个具有魔法能力的非二元性别孩子,在游戏第3年作为马格努斯的学生登场。玩家必须与马格努斯达到3颗心好感。 Morgan is a young mage who is assigned to Magnus as a new pupil. They come from the town of Everton, somewhere in the mountains north of Pelican Town. 摩根是一个好奇心旺盛的孩子,...
Victor And Olivia Character - Stardew Valley Expanded (SVE)2. the mod file(3.1 Stardew Valley \ Mods \ (Stardew Valley Expanded) \ assets \ CharacterFiles \ OverworldSprites \ Olivia(3.2 Stardew Valley \ Mods \ (Stardew Valley Expanded) \ assets \ CharacterFiles \ OverworldSprites \ ...
里边有的翻译还采用了之前的翻译,也有的地方没译出来,多谢担待吧如果之前已经有了这个mod的汉化文件的话,那请自行忽略吧汉化里的错误感谢指正,但是我应该没时间去改了。就在刚才收到了工作通知,可能也就只有这两天可以浪浪了。链接里也有汉化的文件,大佬可以自行修改 6楼2019-06-05 16:27 收起回复 ...
Stardew Valley Mods Characters Furry Stardew Valley Expanded Continued Endorsements 235 Unique DLs 6,902 Total DLs 13,294 Total views 63,451 Version 1.1.5 Download: Manual 2 items Last updated 02 February 20253:39PM Original upload 13 April 20242:18PM ...
Stardew ValleyExpanded adds 26 new locations, 12 major NPCs (non-player characters), 2 great new farm maps, an expanded Joja Mart (the game’s version of a big box store) storyline, new character events, new fish, and more. If you're someone who has played hundreds of hours ofStardew...
Basically, Stardew Valley Expanded adds a little something to everything, so even if you played the base game many times, this mod provides a fresh and exciting story to experience. Moreover, this mod is fairly big, so it requires several mods to be installed first. You can check all of...
Explore Stardew Valley VERY Expanded, a curated mod collection for Stardew Valley on Nexus Mods. Enhance your gameplay with these mods.
在Stardew Valley Expanded文件夹和【CP】 immersive Farm 2 Remastered文件夹中生成了一个配置文件,可以...
阿莱西亚是来自城堡村的冒险者公会的成员。在观看冒险者公会的入会过场动画并玩了至少 90 天游戏后,您会在探险者协会大楼中第一次见到她。 阿莱西亚是一名擅长远程战斗的怪物猎人。她曾是鹈鹕镇冒险者公会的成员,但后来加入了城堡村的猎人,与绯红荒原的腐败怪物作战。有时,她仍会拜访马龙以表达敬意或帮助他进行矿井...