Skills are a feature in Stardew Valley. They will have a base level, and can be improved temporarily by wearing certain Clothing items or from buffs by eating certain foods. Skills can be leveled up to 10. Each level up gives a new crafting or cooking re
Fishing/Skill< Fishing | Enigmatic 于4年前修改了此页面。 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 合成配方 合成配方 打造配方/食谱 合成配方 选择专精 抛竿范围扩大1格 鱼饵 解锁鱼店的玻璃纤维棒和鱼饵 蟹笼 海之菜肴 解锁鱼店的蟹笼 回收机 抛竿范围扩大1格 渔夫 鱼的价值提高25% ...
Wait until you go to bed that night. Upon waking up, you’ll be prompted to select new professions for level five and level 10, if reached. If you need help reaching level 10, here’s a guide onhow to level up all skills inStardew Valley. If changing a level 10 profession, you m...
抛掷距离增加一格鱼饵 威利的渔具店解锁玻璃纤维鱼竿和鱼饵 蟹笼海之菜肴 威利的渔具店解锁蟹笼 高级鱼饵虫饵盒回收机 威利的渔具店解锁高级鱼饵 抛掷距离增加一格 渔夫 鱼的价值提高25%。 捕猎者 建造蟹笼所需的材料用量会减少。 等级6等级7等级8等级9等级10 ...
Farming/SkillWIKI功能 阅读: 更新日期:2025-02-02 最新编辑:Time_Task< Farming 跳到导航 跳到搜索 页面贡献者 : 等级1 等级2 等级3 等级4 等级5 打造配方: 打造配方: 打造/烹饪配方: 打造配方: 选择一个职业: 稻草人 初级肥料 蛋黄酱机 石围栏 洒水器 蜂房 生长激素 农夫午餐 罐头瓶 初级保湿...
To level up farming skill requires experience points, which are gained by harvesting crops, petting farm animals, milking cows or goats, shearing sheep, picking up animal products inside a coop, or reading the Stardew Valley Almanac or Book Of Stars. Level...
class="skilltableend" | Level 5 |- | class="skillsubheader" |合成配方 | class="skillsubheader" |合成配方 | class="skillsubheader" | 打造配方/食谱 | class="skillsubheader" |合成配方 | class="skillsubheader" |选择专精 |- | rowspan=2 | 抛竿范围扩大1格 | rowspan=2 | [[File:Bait...
You can also edit your farm in the middle of the day! Press "Save Backup" in Stardew Valley to edit the game in progress. This will allow you change time and "Teleport" to anywhere in game: - Visit villager houses and stores, even when they're closed ...
Foraging is the skill associated with gathering wild resources found on the ground throughout Stardew Valley, and with chopping down Trees. Foraging skill also increases by harvesting crops grown from Wild Seeds.
e.Edit(asset=>{Texture2Dribbon=this.Helper.Content.Load<Texture2D>("assets/ribbon.png");asset.AsImage().PatchImage(source:overlay,patchMode:PatchMode.Overlay);}); 使用说明: 编辑不存在的素材是无效的。此命令所作的修改,须在素材加载完成后方可奏效,也就是需要先从Content目录、其他模组的LoadFrom方法...