↑参考游戏代码中的FishingRod::tickUpdate。 ↑参考游戏代码中的GameLocation::answerDialogueAction,TroutDerbyBooth_Rewards的case分支。 历史 1.6:加入游戏。
物品编号 (O)TroutDerbyTag 黄金标签是一种特殊的物品,可以在鳟鱼大赛节期间捕获虹鳟鱼。可以在摊位兑换奖品。 在节日期间,每次捕获彩虹鳟鱼有33%的机会给玩家一个黄金标签。钓获黄金标签的概率与玩家一次钓上的虹鳟鱼数量成正比,所以如果一次捕获2条虹鳟鱼,则增加到66%,如果一次捕获3条虹鳟鱼,则增加到99%。[1...
可参考:鳟鱼大赛 鳟鱼大赛(Trout Derby)在每年的夏季20日到21日之间举办。节日在上午6:10开始,凌晨2点结束。在煤矿森林的玛妮的牧场旁的河边举行。玩家可以在河里钓到虹鳟鱼并有机会获得黄金标签。 使用黄金标签可以兑换奖品 与大部分节日不同的是,星露谷的商店和村民的住房在大赛期间是不会关门的。在大赛上,时间...
Willyis present at the Trout Derby, making his shop unavailable for the duration of the event. He can still be given gifts, however. Other unknown characters from outside of Stardew Valley also participate in the Trout Derby festival. Below is a list of quotes from them. ...
On Summer 20th and 21st during the Trout Derby festival, Rainbow Trout can be caught in the Cindersap Forest during the entire day and regardless of weather. The fish can also be caught during Trout Derby without the normal restrictions in Farm Maps with Cindersap Forest fish, such as the ...
Stardew valley,中文名称星露谷物语,一款像素风格的自由度很高的农场经营游戏,玩家能自由选择自己的农场来种植物品,你不仅可以自己种植作物,还可以去小镇上和居民们打好关系,小镇里每个季节都有独特的活动,真实的氛围会给你带来新的体验,不断种植更多的作物来体验全新的乐趣吧。 Stardew valley怎么调中文 1、进入游戏...
Stardew Valley, free and safe download. Stardew Valley latest version: New but nostalgic farming simulator. If you’ve been living a stressful, high-oc
Two mini fishing festivals: Trout Derby and SquidFest. A new environmental “event” in summer. Added a “mastery” system, accessed via a new area, which grants powerful perks and items… Added a new farm type: Meadowlands Farm. It has a chewy blue grass that animals love. You also sta...
love Stardew Valley. Pelure Jul 9, 2022, 4:00 PM I don't know if I'm just not looking in the right place but I can't seem to find the grass that you can cut and that sway when you walk in it. DKanimation Jun 14, 2022, 9:11 AM @RavenVLemon remember, you can revise ...
- Trout Derby- portrait.png- portrait_angry.png- portrait_blush.png - portrait_happy.png - portrait_sad.png- Wedding- portrait.png- portrait_angry.png- portrait_blush.png ...