玉米种子(Corn Seeds)是种子的一种。成熟之后的果实是玉米。 玩家可以在皮埃尔的杂货店、Joja超市和旅行货车购买,也可以通过种子生产器获得;混合种子中也会有几率出现玉米种子。 阶段 加工产品 工具时间售价(工匠专精) 腌制玉米 罐头瓶 2天13小时 210 玉米果汁 小桶 3天20小时 156 种子阶段1阶段2阶段3阶段...
Corn Seeds 夏天或秋天播种。14 天成熟,收获之后还能继续结果。 信息 作物 玉米 成熟需 14 天 季节 夏季 • 秋季 售出价格 75 购买价格 杂货店 150 Joja超市 187 旅行货车 225 ~ 1,000 夜市(冬季16 & 17日) 150 高级 物品编号 (O)487 玉米种子是一种种子,成熟后得到玉米。 玉米种子...
Corn One of the most popular grains. The sweet, fresh cobs are a summer favorite. Information Seed Corn Seeds Growth Time 14 days Season Summer • Fall XP 10 Farming XP Energy / Health 25 11 35 15 45 20 65 29 Sell Prices Base Tiller (+10%) 50g 62g 75g 100g 55g 68g 82g ...
487: "Corn Seeds/75/-300/Seeds -74/Plant these in the summer or fall. Takes 14 days to mature, and continues to produce after first harvest." #!String488: "Eggplant Seeds/10/-300/Seeds -74/Plant these in the fall. Takes 5 days to mature, and continues to produce after first ...
CornOne of the most popular grains. The sweet, fresh cobs are a summer favorite.Keeps producing after maturity. Can be grown in Summer or Fall.Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Harvest Sells For Energy / Health Used In Corn Seeds Pierre's: 150g JojaMart: 187g 50g ...
, ["Wheat Seeds"] = "夏天或秋天播种。4 天成熟。用镰刀收获。", ["Radish Seeds"] = "夏天播种。6 天成熟。", ["Red Cabbage Seeds"] = "夏天播种。9 天成熟。", ["Starfruit Seeds"] = "夏天播种。13 天成熟。", ["Corn Seeds"] = "夏天或秋天播种。14 天成熟,收获之后还能继续结果。",...
Stardew Valley 1.1 Changes Stardew Valley is now version 1.1, which comes with some significant changes. I have some updating to do as a result. Certain fruits (such as blueberries/cranberries) have had their sell prices reduced significantly to give players more reason to grow other produce. ...
您可以查看和复制此页面的源代码。 {{需要帮助}} {{For|生长在树上的水果|果树|R=此页面讲的是生长在耕地上的作物。}} '''{{PAGENAME}}''' {{En|Crops}} 由[[种子]]生长成熟,用来卖钱、做[[烹饪|食材]]或送[[礼物|礼]]。一般来说,每种农作物是季节性的。当季节变化时(第28天后),农作物会...
《tardew valley》作为一款类似牧场物语的游戏来有着原牧场物语中的很多玩法,其中种地就是玩法之一,那么游戏中究极种地的种子周期如何,结果结几个呢?下面就来提供一下全种子中文资料一览。 《tardew valley》作为一款类似牧场物语的游戏来有着原牧场物语中的很多玩法,其中种地就是玩法之一,那么游戏中究极种地的种子周期...
Parsnip is a crop in Stardew Valley. This is one of the most basic crops in the game. They can be grown during the Spring and take 4 days to mature. It is used in the Spring Crops Bundle and Quality Crops Bundle in the Pantry.