craftingrecipe,addCraftingRecipe 语法: craftingrecipe <S:recipeName> 获得指定打造配方。名称大小写敏感,且可包含空格。 示例: debug craftingrecipe Ancient Seeds 会给出从古代种子打造上古种子的配方。 # slimecraft 获得史莱姆孵化器和史莱姆压蛋器的配方同,时会发出“铛”的一声。 # 钓鱼、博物馆和秘...
To level up farming skill requires experience points, which are gained by harvesting crops, petting farm animals, milking cows or goats, shearing sheep, picking up animal products inside a coop, or reading the Stardew Valley Almanac or Book Of Stars. Level...
Petting, milking, and shearing farm animals or picking up an animal product inside a barn or coop each give 5 experience points. Using a hoe or watering can does not grant experience by itself. Reading the Stardew Valley Almanac or Book Of Stars also gives Farming experience. Each level ...
Stardew Valley goes through the typical four seasons of Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter, with each season having something different. Different seasons call for different types of events and activities, and on a farm, different crops. Now you may be wondering just what kind of crops can grow...
Stardew Valley Museum & Library Open Hours: 8:00am to 6:00pm Closed: Town Festival days Address: East side of Pelican Town, south of the Blacksmith. Occupants: Gunther The Museum can be found in the South-East corner of Pelican Town, south of the Blacksmith. ...
要完成build a coop任务,首先你需要在游戏的自定义资源包(esp)中找到类似锤子的图标,这是任务提示你需要进行的初步操作。接下来,你需要前往村庄,寻找合适的村民,比如工匠,请求他们帮助你建造一个鸡舍或者其他小型建筑,用于扩展你的农场设施。具体步骤如图所示:游戏中,工具的合理使用也是关键。例如...
Stardew Valley: Farming Skill Bonuses, Crop Quality, and Professions Harvesting produce is very satisfying, especially after all that watering. Some crops (such as blueberries) can produce multiple fruit in a single harvest. Farming is a nearly essential activity in Stardew Valley due to its huge...
Using this mod alongside Nucleus Co-Op makes it possible to play multiple instances of Stardew Valley on the same pc across multiple monitors.Think of it as splitscreen, but instead of having half a screen each, you get your own dedicated monitor and if you like to, you can both play usi...
Stardew Valley Mods Maps CLEAN MAP - BARN AND COOP Endorsements 46 Unique DLs 766 Total DLs 943 Total views 9,670 Version 1.0.0 Download: Manual 13 items Last updated 28 March 202412:04PM Original upload 28 March 202412:04PM Created by ...
Join over10 million playerswho use theCurseForge app! Download App Now Multi-Screen Multiplayer (Coop Cursor) ByDeLiXx Mods 4,526 Description Using this mod alongside Nucleus Co-Op makes it possible to play multiple instances of Stardew Valley on the same pc across multiple monitors. ...