SILO是需要找木工帮你建的,木工就是那个叫ROBIN的妹子 地点是在山洞的左边,一路往左走,然后就是看到阶梯,下了阶梯就能看到一间很大的屋子,门口上方会有一把锯子的图形,那间就是木工的屋子。 进去里面看到妹子,选择Construct building,注意看是有左右箭头给你选择要建什么东西的,选择Silo就好了。 记得带足够的原料...
SILO是需要找木工帮你建的,木工就是那个叫ROBIN的妹子 地点是在山洞的左边,一路往左走,然后就是看到阶梯,下了阶梯就能看到一间很大的屋子,门口上方会有一把锯子的图形,那间就是木工的屋子。 进去里面看到妹子,选择Construct building,注意看是有左右箭头给你选择要建什么东西的,选择Silo就好了。 记得带足够的原料...
SILO是需要找木工帮你建的,木工就是那个叫ROBIN的妹子 copyright 地点是在山洞的左边,一路往左走,然后就是看到阶梯,下了阶梯就能看到一间很大的屋子,门口上方会有一把锯子的图形,那间就是木工的屋子。进去里面看到妹子,选择Construct building,注意看是有左右箭头给你选择要建什...
筒仓(Silo)是游戏星露谷物语中的农场建筑,可以在木匠的商店里面找罗宾建造。建造需要100个石头、10个黏土和5个铜锭 筒仓可以用来盛放干草, 干草是农场割下的青草变成的。
Find out everything you need to know about unlocking and building a Stardew Valley silo, how much it costs, what it does, and some handy tips and tricks.
For a better understanding of the additions and changes, here’s everything new in the Stardew Valley 1.6.4 patch notes. Enchantments The “shaving” enchantment you can apply to your axe at the forge within the volcano mines now functions a bit differently. While this certainly isn’t the ...
The Slime Hutch is a farm building purchasable from Robin at the Carpenter's Shop that stores up to 20 Slimes.
The building's contents move along with the building, all as a unit; a building does not need to be empty in order to be moved. Tip: Building a Silo before building a Coop or Barn allows Hay to be stockpiled before it's required to feed animals. ...
Only add more storage room in the silo and have it build by Robin as usualRemodel the silo to fit with the seasons you can turn the textures off with GMCM, or in the files Share Requirements Permissions and credits Changelogs Donations Maximise the silo to 5000 !Remodel the silo ...
Build your silo Upgrading your farm with new buildings is a long term process because of just how costly they are. However, the one building you will want to save up for and spend on right away is the silo. Thankfully it isn’t terribly expensive, costing 100 gold, 100 stone, 10 clay...