Improves the original wilderness map slightly, to improve gameplay but keep it close to the original Share Permissions and credits Changelogs works with the new SDV 1.5This is a small overhaul of the wilderness farm map. The goal is to add a little more space and variation and improved ...
There are eight different Farm Maps to choose from in Stardew Valley. Each map features a unique layout of the Farm, offering different benefits and favoring specific skills. Only one map can be chosen when starting a new game, and cannot be changed once
Stardew Valley is an open-ended game, allowing the player to achieve goals non-linearly. There are various ways to earn income and many activities to choose from including farming, fishing, foraging, mining, combat (fighting enemies), crafting, cooking, gift giving, completing quests, donating ...
ThePerks of Being Married modgives the concept of marriage a lot more importance in Stardew Valley. Now when you move past the courting phase with an NPC and finally get them to say “I do,” you can feel confident in knowing you’re about to inherit some cool skills in exchange for s...
> btw? does the better quarry redux affect it at all??Since it doesn't affect the map itself, I think it should work just fine with my mod. shekimon supporter 5 kudos 22 June 2024, 7:26PM Hey. Love the mod - but will the tile error get an update? it really bugs me .....
模板:MapWIKI功能跳到导航 跳到搜索 分类: 模板 游戏中心 | 帐号安全 | 找回密码 | 家长监控 | 用户协议 抵制不良游戏 拒绝盗版游戏 注意自我保护 谨防受骗上当 适度游戏益脑 沉迷游戏伤身 合理安排时间 享受健康生活 芜湖享游网络技术有限公司 | COPYRIGHT © 2009-2025 BILIBILI ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 皖...
These Stardew Valley mods can add everything from flowery building redesigns to handy multiplayer mods.
{ /*** ** Map options ***/ // minimap section "minimap.label": "Minimapa", "minimap.enabled": "Włączona", "minimap.locked": "Zablokuj pozycję minimapy", "minimap.width": "Szerokość minimapy", "minimap.height": "Długość minimapy", // immersion section "imm...
If you have any questions you can usually find me on theStardew Valley Discordunder the usernameRoutine#8715 If you like my mods and want to support me, you can do so viaPaypalor onPatreon.
Since warp points are tied to the map coordinates, I can only guarantee full compatibility with the vanilla game. Most warp points work with Stardew Valley Expanded, but if you use an alternate farm, the farm warp point might be off. ...