The simplest way to breathe new life into a game is to install mods that add more visual elements. TheMore Festive Stardew Valley modredesigns the vanilla farm buildings, town maps, outdoor tiles, and some sprites to create a more lively feel all year round, with different looks to reflect...
Plant in spring or summer to grow a coffee plant. Place five beans in a keg to make coffee.Each plant yields 4 beans per harvest, with a 2% chance for more beans. This crop continues to produce after maturity.Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Harvest Sells For Energy /...
This mod has not been updated for Stardew Valley 1.6 Here's another excellent standard farm redesign, though this one is focused on being cute instead of efficient. This farm map has lots of designated crop fields in different sizes, a few ponds, and just a couple nooks for tucking ...
Every Spring Crop & Sell Prices in Stardew Valley Spring is the first season you playthrough in Stardew Valley. There are several crops that you can choose to plant in your garden, but ultimately the second year of spring will likely be the most important for most players. This occurs af...
If the player completes all the bundles before Kent arrives on 1 Spring, Year 2, he will not benefit from the friendship increase, and will start at 0 hearts. The Dwarf's friendship will be unaffected if the player does not have the Dwarvish Translation Guide. The morning after, Mayor ...
[Top 10] Stardew Valley Best Artisan Goods (And How To Get Them) 10. Salmonberry Jelly Salmonberries are everywhere in the spring. Everywhere. Yep, even there. And there. And where the sun don’t shine. If you choose the fruit bat cave, the bats bring them back too! Salmonberry seas...
It may seem like quite an undertaking to get the Stardew Valley greenhouse repaired, but it’s a building that can help raise your profit by quite a margin. The greenhouse features a 10×12 crop plot that stays fertile even through the Winter season. Any crop you plant in the greenhouse ... 让人不禁回忆起休闲的星露谷农场生活~ 官网是可以试听所有歌曲的: 有数字版和实体版,还有乐谱 星露谷物语 钢琴 演奏 音乐 音乐综合 原声集 stardew valley ...
Top 10 Stardew Valley Best Winter Crops Stardew Valley goes through the typical four seasons of Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter, with each season having something different. Different seasons call for different types of events and activities, and on a farm, different crops. Now you may be wo...
Using our Stardew Valley tips and tricks, you'll have the best chance of making the most money and growing the best crops possible.