农业技能点分配:- **Rancher(牧人)分支:- 增加动物产品价格10%。- **CoopMaster(养鸡能手):** 加快动物心情恢复,减少孵化时间。- **Shepherd(牧羊人):** 加快Barn内动物心情恢复,增加羊毛产量。- **Tiller(农夫)分支:- **Artisan(手工者):** 手工艺品售价提高50%。- **Agricul...
Features Everything I Know About Stardew Valley Is A Lie The Chaos Of A Randomizer Mod Made Stardew Valley Feel Fresher Than Ever Stardew Valley's Hobbit Hole Mod Might Destroy My Life Again I Can't Believe I'm This Excited For A Stardew Valley Update Getting Sick Over Christmas Break Is ...
Though Stardew Valley markets itself as a farming game, you probably won’t be thinking about crops when you walk out of the farm. Pelican Town boasts 12 romanceable characters for you to choose from. And though you won’t be marrying goddesses like inother farming games, you will meet ...
工匠物品(Artisan Goods)是游戏星露谷物语中由加工设备制造出的产品,所需时间由几小时至几天不等。大多数工匠物品并没有星级品质,因而原材料的星级品质可以被直接忽略不计。 如果玩家在耕种达到10级后选择工匠技能,所有的工匠物品售价都会提升40%(油和咖啡除外)。
Players may, of course, sell raw produce and materials they create in Stardew Valley. However, you can take it one step further and create Artisan Goods by using your fresh ingredients. Items like cheese, beer, cloth, and wine sell for a higher value due to the extra time put into them...
These Stardew Valley mods can add everything from flowery building redesigns to handy multiplayer mods.
If you're looking to bring your farm a step up, today we will be counting down the top 5 most profitable activities in Stardew Valley.
Artisan 手工者:手工艺品售出价增加50% (蛋黄酱,奶酪,布料,酒,果酱,饮料,之类的加工品都算)Agriculturist 农学家:作物生长时间加速10 个人感觉前期最有助于成长的肯定是5级选Tiller,10级选Artisan。因为前期在没有积攒够畜牧的成本时,肯定种植的收入比重是很大的,所以价格增加10%算是一个不...
Artisan 手工者:手工艺品售出价增加50% (蛋黄酱,奶酪,布料,酒,果酱,饮料,之类的加工品都算)Agriculturist 农学家:作物生长时间加速10 个人感觉前期最有助于成长的肯定是5级选Tiller,10级选Artisan。因为前期在没有积攒够畜牧的成本时,肯定种植的收入比重是很大的,所以价格增加10%算是一个不...
Stardew Valley Expanded is a fanmade expansion for ConcernedApe's Stardew Valley. This mod adds 28 new NPCs, 58 locations, 278 character events, 43 fish, reimagined vanilla areas, three farm maps, a