开始向%appdata%/StardewValley/ErrorLogs/game-latest.txt的日志写入调试信息,以此方便排除故障。若SMAPI已安装,则此命令无效,因为调试信息已写入SMAPI的日志。 # logSounds 开关在SMAPI控制台输出每个播放的音效的记录的功能。 # netclear 清空网络消息日志。 # netdump 向一个文件输出网络消息日志(输出格...
The root directory for save files is specified by the XDG_CONFIG_HOME environment variable, which defaults to~/.config/ FromFiles, clickGo » Enter Location. Enter this exact text: ~/.config/StardewValley/Saves Submit to open the folder. ...
星露谷物语修改器最新版中文版是一款专为热游星露谷物语打造的数据修改软件,英文名也叫Stardew Save Editor,该软件体积小巧,完全免费,通过它用户可以根据自身需求进行修改数据,从而让你可以更好的体验游戏带来的精彩。软件的功能十分丰富,支持修改金钱、物品、人物好感度等内容,使用起来非常的容易上手,即时是小白也能快速...
On mobile, Stardew Valley's save method is based upon the system used for computers, but with some additions to make it more suited to mobile devices. The game creates a folder on the device for each saved game. In that folder, there are three different kinds of save files which can ...
注:星露谷物语游戏一般是存储AndroiddataStardewValleySaves文件夹之中,所以也可以在手机的文件管理器中直接搜索【StardewValley】,先找到文件位置也是方便后续添加。 游戏优势 星露谷物语修改器一键摸 这个插件必须搭配虚拟快捷键使用,搭配虚拱快捷键然后按包键即可。
These Stardew Valley mods can add everything from flowery building redesigns to handy multiplayer mods.
Works with Stardew Valley 1.5.6 on Windows/Linus/MacOS (Android is not compatible) - Mod is loaded but may cause some problems Single player only (doesn't work with local split-screen multiplayer too) Compatibility with other mods~ ✅ Custom Kissing ModbyDigus-100% compatible(from version ...
为什么Stardew..我暂时不能理解图片,但根据文本内容我可以提供以下回答 根据您提供的信息,StardewValley文件夹中没有saves文件夹可能是由于以下原因之一:1. 文件夹名称错误:请确保您在查找文件夹时拼写和
Safe to use Saved games Cheating Unbalanced English Modder's Resource Utilities for Modders Utilities for Players Tag this mod About this mod A simple Save Editor to edit your save files for Stardew Valley Share Permissions and credits Mirrors...
QuickSave should be used instead of this mod!The mod let you save the game at (almost) every time and place, without you needing to pass the day and go to bed!