Fruit Trees require 28 days to mature, after which they produce one fruit per day when in season. Fruit can accumulate up to three days before harvesting. Fruit trees do not need to be watered, and will not die in the winter. Fruit saplings will grow during any season, allowing players...
fruittrees 加速当前地点所有果树生长一个月,即使刚种下的树苗也能瞬间成熟。 # grass 在当前地点所有可用地块上生成草。 # growcrops 语法: growcrops <I:number> 使当前地点所有作物生长指定的天数,可对花盆内的作物生效。 # growgrass 语法: growgrass <I:number> 加速当前地点的草生长(蔓延)...
Allow planting fruit trees on any map and most valid tiles Allow fruit trees to bear fruit in all three seasons Change how many days it takes for fruit trees to mature Set max fruit per tree Set number of fruit grown per day, or a random range of fruit grown per day ...
Move blob of text to "Tip" section 17:46 +11 Mongela Added details about chopping down fruit trees early to get iridium quality fruit faster. Fruit takes 364 days to reach iridium quality, Chopping a fruit tree and replanting it on day 140 and replanting the resulting silver sapling which...
Adds Fruit trees that produce artisan goods! Share Requirements Permissions and credits Changelogs ARTISAN TREES:Features:- Adds Cheese, Goat cheese, Cloth and Truffle oil trees.- New vendor at the beach, who sells them.- ALL PRODUCTS GO UP IN QUALITY AFTER 1 YEAR AS WELL!Coming Soon...
* Fruit tree growth is no longer blocked by grass and seed spots. * Pine trees now drop one extra wood when chopped down. * The initiation quest now counts wild slimes killed on the farm. * Thorns ring damage now stacks if you equip two of them, and monsters killed by a thorns ring...
Stardew Valley lets you plant apple and other types of fruit trees which grow all year round but only put out produce one season per year. This means 28 harvests per year per tree. Fruit Trees require 2 spares in all directions to be clear, so they must be planted with 2 empty squares...
In order to transplant trees on your farm, you need to visit Robin the carpenter and select the "Tree Transplant" option in the menu. Once you're in the tree transplant menu it's simple to start moving your trees. First, left-click on the tree you wish to move to highlight it. By...
Fruit trees that currently have fruit on them Trees that have a seed available to be shaken down NOTE: This includes trees with hazelnuts, coconuts, and golden coconuts Forageables throughout Stardew Valley Config You can find a breakdown of the config valueshere ...
Fruit tree growth is no longer blocked by grass and seed spots. Pine trees now drop one extra wood when chopped down. The initiation quest now counts wild slimes killed on the farm. Thorns ring damage now stacks if you equip two of them, and monsters killed by a thorns ring now drop ...