The most valuable crops to invest in are Cauliflower, Kale, Blueberry, Melon, Cranberry, Eggplant, and Pumpkin. You canread more about the most profitable crops for each season here. Donate every artifact to the Museum There are a variety of rare items in the game that you can either sell...
However, some of the seasonal foraged goods can be crafted into Wild Seeds, and under certain circumstances, it is more profitable to sell crafted wild seeds than it is to sell the individual items (see Spring Seeds, Summer Seeds, Fall Seeds and Winter Seeds for details). ...
Fishing is arguably the most profitable activity to do during Winter. Fishing is profitable as ever during Winter. Head to the beach at night to catch squid (you should get a quest for this, actually). Explore all the various types of fishing spot and catch a few new types. Most fish a...
You trade plorts on the Plort Market, with profitable types fluctuating and changing just like a real stock market for poop. You have all your Slimes bouncing around in hutches too, usually sectioned off because they can have a tendency to eat each other, or plorts from another species, ...
Note:this recipe isprofitable- it will result in profit when using the lowest quality ingredients. Tom Kha Soup may randomly appear inKrobus' shop onSaturdays, in theGarbage Canoutside the saloon, or inthe Stardrop Saloon's rotating stock. One Tom Kha Soup may be received from opening aMyste...
Instead of planting a variety of fruit trees (which can quickly eat up inventory space, come harvest time), players should focus on only one that they can stack. Thanks to the 1.5 update, bananas are some of the most profitable fruit trees out there. Speaking of profitable, starfruit are ...
If you chose Tiller, as recommended earlier,the far superior choice is Artisan.Given that artisan goods aresome of the most profitable items in the game, it's much better than the crop growth speed increase given by Agriculturist. If you did choose Rancher,Shepherd is the better level ten ...
Keg products aren’t the most profitable overall, but when you combine this money-making method with others, it helps you make money fast in Stardew Valley. Item Ingredients Sell price Coffee Five Coffee Beans 150 Gold Beer One Wheat 200 Gold Green Tea One Tea Leaves 100 Gold Mead One ...
Since it only takes 20 in-game minutes to manufacture Cranberry Seeds as opposed to the time it takes to craft Wine and Jelly, selling Cranberry Seeds made by the Seed Maker may be more profitable than selling the cranberries themselves. Additionally, crafting cranberries using the Seed Maker ma...
This is the farm for you. The Standard Farm has more space than most people know what to do with, which means lots of room for crops and animals. As the default map, it doesn’t have any specific challenges. That means you don’t have to stress over being attacked by monsters, plann...