1.2.0 Download: Manual 2 items Last updated 15 November 20241:34PM Original upload 14 June 20246:10PM Created by aedenthorn and FlyingTNT Uploaded by FlyingTNT Virus scan Safe to use SMAPI Content Patcher Version 1.6 Compatible Tag this mod ...
Now that Stardew Valley's official multiplayer support is out, we no longer need the Makeshift Multiplayer mod, but there are always greater heights for mod makers to aspire to. Unlimited Players removes the cap on cabins that can be built on a farm and the limit on number of farmers that...
This mod is a redrawing of Emily's portraits & sprites with my own unique take! Emily's hair has become slightly longer and her outfit has been changed to a shoulderless red dress. Her sprites have also been modified to match the redrawn portraits as well as having an added bonus of ...
In the event that I have not been active on the chucklefish forums, SDV developer discord or SDV public discord for at least 30 days, I give permission for any willing SDV modder to fork, modify and distribute code from this repository. ...
setUpFarm The clearMore argument no longer treats any value as true. spreadSeeds Now affects crops in garden pots. warpCharacterTo Added a separate argument for the NPC's facing direction, instead of using the Y argument. water Now affects crops in garden pots. Translation...
Add in compatibility with the Longer Seasons mod. Maybe see if the season icon in the top-right can be updated based on the calendar season, rather than the in-game season. Known bugs: The TV weather channel will display an incorrect message for the season in certain scenarios. For example...
For example, a location with this field will drop 2-4 pufferfish with a 50% chance on summer days: "ArtifactSpots":[{"Condition":"LOCATION_SEASON Here summer","ItemId":"(O)128","MinStack":2,"MaxStack":4}] FishAreas(Optional)The distinctfishingareas within the location. These can be...
* Passing trains are now more likely to happen multiple times in the same session, but can no longer appear on consecutive days. * Willy's shop now opens on spring 2 in the first year even if you didn't read his letter. * Fixed Queen of Sauce reruns being affected by the recipes ne...
I may well have spent equally as much of my days in some kind of menu, causing the game’s clock to pause, as I did actually running about. In multiplayer, the clock stops for no farmhand and the days fly by at a breakneck pace. The sun is always setting hours before I feel ...
Passing trains are now more likely to happen multiple times in the same session, but can no longer appear on consecutive days. Willy’s shop now opens on spring 2 in the first year even if you didn’t read his letter. Fixed Queen of Sauce reruns being affected by the...