Paths SpawnTree <type> <ID> [stage on spawn] [stage on regrow] 创建地图时生成一棵树。其中: <type>取wild(生成野树)或 fruit(生成果树)。 <ID>为树在Data/FruitTrees或Data/WildTrees中的索引。 [stage on spawn]设置首次将树添加到地图时的生长阶段(若可用)。 [stage on regrow]设置重新生成树...
A Fruit Tree is planted directly into untilled ground. Fruit trees can grow in the Greenhouse, in the center soil or around the border. Fruit trees planted in the greenhouse or on Ginger Island bear fruit every day after maturity, and will maintain their summer appearance regardless of season...
it’s the only place you can plant Winter Seeds. Fruit trees are capable of being planted inside the building as well, on the condition that there’s always a space between the tree and any other crop or item placed within the plot. Giant...
Fruit trees cannot be planted in the corners of the Greenhouse. Neither the greenhouse wall nor the wood border itself will impede the growth of the fruit trees, although a one-space separation must be maintained between the tree and any items (like sprinklers) that are placed on the wood ...
This new interior layout has been redesigned, with more room for crops and 13 dedicated fruit tree planting spots.如果更改的话,在下一次更新后需要重新编辑该文件。如果没有重新更改,在游戏内度过一天并存档后内部的农作物会有一大块L型区域缺失。
Fruit Trees – they cost a lot and take a month to grow, but will produce their fruit every day for you to harvest for their fruiting season. Or, if you put them in a greenhouse, literally every day! Fruits have a variety of uses. They are liked as gifts by most Villagers, with ...
Build and Place Anything Anywhere lets you build, farm, or place furniture / objects anywhere, including things like beds and rugs! It adds the greenhouse as a blueprint to build and adds functionalit
Fixed fruit tree leaves not rustling in winter even if they’re in a non-seasonal location like the greenhouse. Fixed barren trees having a leafy shadow. Fixed weeds being less varied than intended in summer. Fixed weeds able to grow on top of buildings on spring 1. Fixed intro cutscene ...
They planted a fruit tree plantation in the top right corner, strategically placing fishing spots nearby for convenient access. Then, they cultivated a sprawling plum plantation in the center, with a grand pumpkin serving as its centerpiece, complemented by a greenhouse and multiple barns for effi...
Compilation of Stardew Valley Mods I am working on, or may work on in the future. - StardewValleyMods/FruitTreeTweaks/Methods.cs at main · chiccenFL/StardewValleyMods