Some critters can be caught by a crab pot or foraged on the beach – and all of these can be used in the crab pot bundle. While fish foraged on the beach can be normal, silver, gold, or iridium quality, those caught in a crab pot will always be of normal quality. Other catchable...
Tiger Trout: A semi-difficult catch, these fish will jump up and down similarly to Catfish, albeit more slowly. You can find them in Fall and Winter, at any time prior to 7pm. 3) Lake Fish Bundle Classic and Remixed — 4/4 items needed This bundle is always the same, over all ga...
设置季节。参数为spring(春季), summer(夏季), fall(秋季), winter(冬季)之一。 示例: world_setseason spring 设置季节为春季。 # world_setyear 语法: world_setyear <I:year> 设置游戏年数(必须为不小于1的整数)。 示例: world_setyear 10 设置游戏为第10年。 # 其他 command description harmony...
Ocean Fish Bundle Sardine Found in the Ocean, 6am – 7pm, Spring, Fall, and Winter. Tuna Found in the Ocean, 6am – 7pm, Summer and Winter. Red Snapper Found in the Ocean, 6am – 7pm, Summer and Fall. Only when raining. Tilapia Found in the Ocean, 6am – 2pm, Summer...
Ocean Fish Bundle Item appearanceItem nameHow to get it SardineCaught in the Ocean from 6am to 7pm during Spring, Fall and Winter. TunaCaught in the Ocean from 6am to 7pm during Summer and Winter. Red SnapperCaught on rainy days in the Ocean from 6am to 7pm during Summer and Fall....
Ocean Fish Bundle Sardine Found in the Ocean, 6am – 7pm, Spring, Fall, and Winter. Tuna Found in the Ocean, 6am – 7pm, Summer and Winter. Red Snapper Found in the Ocean, 6am – 7pm, Summer and Fall. Only when raining. Tilapia Found in the Ocean, 6am – 2pm, Summer...
{{NavboxFish}} [[分类:Summer fish]] [[分类:Fall fish]] [[分类:Ocean fish]] [[分类:使用了Trans模板]] 本页使用的模板: 模板:Bundle(查看源代码) 模板:En(查看源代码) 模板:GiftsByItem(查看源代码) 模板:HuijiCollapsed(查看源代码) 模板:Infobox xlg(查看源代码) 模板:ItemPopularity(查看源...
River fish bundle now gives deluxe bait. Improved some community center rewards.Adjusted crafting recipes: Speed-Gro now requires 5 Moss instead of 1 Clam . Deluxe Speed-Gro now requires 5 bone fragments instead of 1 coral. Quality Fertilizer now requires 4 sap instead of 2, but produces 2...
Carp 30g – 60g Mountain Lake, Secret Woods Pond, and the Sewers Can be caught at any time Any season Any weather Lake Fish Bundle and Carp Surprise Catfish 200g – 400g Rivers in the Town and Forest, Secret Woods Pond, and Witch’s Swamp 6am to 12am Spring and Fall or Spring and...
River Fish Bundle One of the game’s main goals is to finish the Community Center and help the town get back on its feet. Fortunately for you, the Tiger Trout is part of the River Fish Bundle. Simply offer the item to the Fish Tank straight up from the entrance, and you’ll have ...