Tags for this mod SMAPI Version 1.4 Compatible Version 1.3 (Android) Compatible Version 1.4 (Android) Compatible Description Files1 Images4 Videos0 Posts307 Logs Stats About this mod Lets you customize your character and access a wardrobe with all clothing from anywhere, or via in-game items. ...
Stardew Valley Expanded is a fanmade expansion for ConcernedApe's Stardew Valley. This mod adds 28 new NPCs, 58 locations, 278 character events, 43 fish, reimagined vanilla areas, three farm maps, a reimagined world map reflecting all changes, new music, questlines, objects, crops, festivals,...
Main article: The PlayerThe character creation screen allows customization options, such as character Appearance, Gender, Name, Farm Name, Favorite Thing, and Animal Preference. There are 2 genders, 24 skin tones, 74 hairstyles, 112 shirts, 4 pants, 31 accessories, and 10 animals (5 cats and...
Seems to be intended to bring up a character customization menu with HSV sliders for both shirt and pants, but it does not function because all entered commands are forced to lower case. The two individual commands dyepants and dyeshirt can be used instead. # dyemenu Brings up the same...
StardewValley.Menus.CharacterCustomization draw CoopMenu Id CoopMenu Variables NameDefault Value $CoopHover $Hover $CoopSmallTabSelected Orange (#FFA500) $CoopSmallTabSelectedShadow DarkOrange (#FF8C00) $CoopTabHover Yellow (#FFFF00) $CoopTabHoverShadow DarkGoldenrod (#B8860B) $CoopTabSelected #FFF...
Description The overall/general idea/theme of this modpack is to combine several mods which bring 'creativeness' into the minds of our fellow Stardew Valley players! This pack includes things such as a larger range of furniture, a more diverse catalog of clothing, character customization, and fe...
Typing no longer moves the cursor around between widgets in character customization menu 按下后退键整理你背包和箱子里的库存 按下后退键跳过事件。 按下X将一个物品从箱子中取出将不再使光标移动回第一个物品。 1.2.9 改动 添加了新的翻译文本 (修复了存档菜单上的"Looking for Saved Games" (正在读取存档...
Producer Framework Mod: 生产者框架模组 PyTK: PyTK - 柏拉图同名工具包 Quest Framework: 任务框架 SAAT: SAAT - 音频 API 和工具包 Shop Tile Framework: 允许模组制作者向游戏添加自定义商店,以及编辑原版商店 Solid Foundations: 星露谷的定制建筑框架。
t look unpolished or confusing either. The commands are alsosimple and easyto get used to. In contrast to modern games that have a lot of commands and functions that you need to master, it only has a handful of commands—perfect for casual players. If you’re a modder, you’re in ...
t look unpolished or confusing either. The commands are alsosimple and easyto get used to. In contrast to modern games that have a lot of commands and functions that you need to master, it only has a handful of commands—perfect for casual players. If you’re a modder, you’re in ...